serviciosforestalesrodes Apparel - The Liberty Dispatch Blog 2023-07-10T15:18:13-04:00 serviciosforestalesrodes Apparel 2023-07-10T15:18:13-04:00 2023-07-10T15:38:10-04:00 Challenging Gender Ideology: The Impact on American Values, Freedom, and Family Structure M is Good Today we have a complete mix-up when it comes to gender – you can be whatever you want to be

American companies, public school systems, and our own Federal Government are forcing this insane and evil gender ideology upon our families and the carnage is our children. Bud Light decided to promote the transgender movement and paid a pretty penny, which ended up hurting the hard-working beer distributors more than anyone else and those distributors did not even have a choice regarding the controversial ad campaign. 

Bud Light sales dipped 24.6% and it has now cost them the top spot in the US Beer market. Americans across the country refused to support the cocktail of confusion and propaganda that Bud Light was serving. 

The reaction by Bud Light’s buyers shows that there is a majority who is tired of the ongoing reveal of “gender” after “gender” where many just decide to choose against what their Creator envisioned them to be when He designed them.

The American consumer is just tired of the insanity, and many are choosing to take their dollars elsewhere. This new gender ideology is driven by a fringe faction of the secular left that is focused on societal revolution and the destruction of the traditional family. 

The Christian perspective of God’s Creation must be destroyed if their strategy is to succeed. 

Jeremiah 1:5 says God knew us before we were born. Psalms 139:13 says that God knitted us together in my Mother’s womb. Genesis reveals that we are created in His likeness.


God also made male and female. This is TRUTH.

It is unalienable and objective.

Culture has prominently featured celebrities, athletes, and even politicians who have chosen to change their gender. The athletic field, where biological females compete against transgender females (originally biological males), has emerged as a major battleground for this controversial issue.

Egard Watch Company, a luxury timepiece maker in Florida ran their own ad against this type of athletic inequality. Girls who have trained most of their lives are being passed up by biological males who are transgender females completely destroying and wiping out the work they have done and the moments they have trained hard for. 

Is it fair? No. 

Is it right? No

Is it central to our American values found in the Declaration of Independence? No.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”



This war is being waged directly with the Creator Himself over assigned biological gender. If you are trying to figure out what is going on in our country over this issue, you are not alone - many find themselves confused and frustrated. 

When you read the words of the Declaration of Independence, our Founders made it clear that everyone was “created”, and that they were “endowed by their Creator…”

This is the same Creator who assigned them a gender as part of His plan and His purpose for their life. The same Creator had a divine blueprint for order in government, society, family, marriage, men, and women. It was a designed order so that we could live with clarity, organization, and impact. Our rights and freedoms ultimately come from our Creator. 

The confusion that is raging has been an intentional, initiated attack on the Creator Himself, our American values, freedoms, government, and assigned genders.


The Slippery Slope

Make no mistake about it, this is a slippery slope that can and will result in losing freedoms from a group of people dictating who we are, what we are, and where we can go

That same group is inventing and helping confused people identify with a gender that is not even scientific in nature. 

However, if you do not submit and even celebrate this radical ideology then you must be punished. 

If you think this will be a crazy fad and normalcy will return then you will be grieved to find in the not-too-distant future that you will be classed as hateful, bigoted, and dangerous to society. 

This is the time to express your rejection of this ideology else you will soon lose that freedom to express anything.

Matt Walsh created a highly controversial documentary entitled “What is a Woman”. In it, he interviews medical professionals who share how damaging and downright brutal this gender movement has become. 

People are cutting off and mutilating body parts while messing with hormones in a way that is catastrophically damaging in order to support an evil movement. Children are being chemically castrated with serious physical and emotional damage that will last a lifetime. 

His documentary has been banned on certain social platforms because it provides scientific evidence that what is happening is not about Freedom or even pursuing the values our Founders intended when they wrote, “…Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Recently Walsh spoke to a group at the University of Iowa. In a follow-up article in the Ioway City Press-Citizen, reporter Paris Barraza wrote,

 Walsh claimed transgender people cannot ‘defend the logic of trans ideology’ and said they’ve ‘embarked on a campaign to restructure all of human society’ around their demands. 

Barraza goes on to write, “Walsh discussed ‘gender ideology,’ a term the Human Rights Watch calls undefinable but ‘dangerous,’ often used to ‘curtail’ sexual and reproductive rights as well as LGBTQ equality by ‘playing on people’s fear of social change and claiming a global conspiracy of great influence and scale.’

Walsh said gender ideology is the rejection of truth and those who are fighting against the ideology are seen by the left and transgender activists as a danger. 

‘I truly see the fight against gender ideology as the last stand for Western civilization,’ Walsh said. ‘Because if the sane side loses this, it’s over.’”

Walsh is not the only one who is standing up to call out the transgender agenda. Promise Keepers, an evangelical movement to help encourage men to live godly lives, was set to hold an event on Belmont University’s campus in Nashville, TN. Belmont is a 133-year-old Christian college. 

Once Promise Keepers published their statement on May 30 regarding Pride month and denouncing the dangerous gender ideology, Belmont University pulled the plug on hosting the event. 

In an email to faculty, staff, and students, Belmont leadership said,

 Yet as an ecumenical, Christ-centered institution we are also unequivocal in our belief in the value of each human being, and we are committed to engaging in constructive conversations that demonstrate kindness and seek understanding.

We all know that the left is focused on making an example of anyone who stands against them as narrow-minded, dangerous, and unloving. This simply is not true.

Like our Founders, we welcome conversation and mature debate.

What we struggle with is being forced to accept an ideology that is dangerous, misguided, forceful, and threatens our God-ordained freedoms. 

It is our right and duty as citizens to speak the truth and help return order. 

Should we love others who are different that us? Yes. 

However, should we support an evil ideology that could threaten our way of life? I don’t think so – not when Liberty, Justice, and Freedom are in the balance for us and our children’s children.


  • ]]> 2023-06-26T13:59:40-04:00 2023-06-27T08:19:17-04:00 What Happens When the Constitution is Put in the Back Seat? M is Good Freedom of Speech and the Cost of Being Right

    On June 3rd Damon Atkins attended a flag raising that he disagreed with to kick off pride month in Reading, PA. He did nothing violent. He made no threats. He simply showed up, stood on the opposite side of the road, held a sign that read “Jesus said Go and Sin No More”, and then read and recited Bible verses. 

    The local police gave him a warning, and as he continued to peacefully protest they chose to arrest him for disorderly conduct. 

    Did Atkins have to agree with the pride event? No.

    Can Atkins protest peacefully? Absolutely. 

    In fact, it was not only wrong to arrest him but also unconstitutional. If someone wants to protest war, fiscal irresponsibility, or even puppies, they can, if it is peaceful and does not cause violence. 

    Historical examples of the power of peaceful protest range from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s impact on the American Civil Rights movement to Gandhi’s opposition to South Africa’s discrimination policies. Peaceful protest works, and the Founders knew that when you squelch the voice of the people you amp up the noise of tyranny. 

    The same Founders made it clear in the very First Amendment that free speech with peaceful assembly was paramount. People should have the right to their own opinion and not be forced to believe and/or agree with whatever political party was in power or leader was in office. 

    Danger grows when the people we trust to protect us choose to stray away from the law and lean directly into their feelings, biases, and opinions. 

    The police officer who arrested Atkins turned his back on the Constitution. 

    Did the officer know the law? 

    Is he familiar with the Constitution? You would think so. 

    Let’s assume he does. What we are left with is that it was a targeted arrest to make opponents of the LGBTIQA+ groups, take notice, fear, and stop protesting. A police officer’s job is to serve and protect EVERYONE. He did neither for Atkins. 

    In an age where the public is rapidly losing trust in American institutions and the politically powerful can corruptly use their power to silence or arrest opposition, we are in jeopardy of losing the rule of law and due process. 

    Regardless of where you stand on whatever issue is being debated, shutting down peaceful protest is a threat to your rights. Salvador Meave, Gay Rights Activist said this to One America News (OAN) regarding Atkins’ arrest:

    The First Amendment, I don’t care what side you’re on. I don’t care what you say, that’s your right. Period. Even though it does not line up with my ideology, you can still say that. This is the United States of America. He (Atkins) can say whatever he wants to. That right for him is the same right that I have. If I do not voice my opinion in support of this man saying whatever he wants, I am next. Because guess what? I am a gay activist and I believe all of us have that voice. I even encourage him to use his voice cuz guess what? If they come for him, they’re gonna come for me. That First Amendment Right, I stand by it. I stand for it. I am an American and we have that right to speak our mind and when I see this, it burns me up! It burns me up! Guess what? That same right is the same right that fires my activism. Pride is born in activism, and there are gonna be people that don’t say or agree with what I think. There are gonna be people who don’t agree with my lifestyle. Guess what? It’s ok.


    Can you say that? Do you agree with Salvador Meave? 

    Regardless of whether you support what a peaceful protestor is saying, we can be better and come together to uphold and protect our American rights, institutions of law, and right to due process. The Constitution cannot be an afterthought or else the very fabric of our lives is in danger.

    So what happened to Damon Atkins? 

    Four days later after a review of the arrest along with applicable case law, the District Attorney withdrew the charges. What came with it was silence. The arresting officer never apologized. The police department did not make a public statement – not one word was spoken. It was almost as if they were saying, “Keep moving. There’s nothing to see here.” 

    I can’t say it enough. 

    Read the Constitution. Know your rights. Elect officials and support community leaders who value what our country is based on so that we may all keep our “unalienable rights of... Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

    ]]> 2020-08-25T12:49:00-04:00 2020-08-26T11:25:20-04:00 Is America Worth Fighting For? Engo Theme My name is Joe Markiewicz, and I am a husband, a father, a businessman, and a man who has surrendered his life to Jesus Christ to be my savior.

    My first dream was to play professional baseball. However, injuries prevented those aspirations from coming to fruition. Instead, I completed my engineering degree and moved to North Carolina. I began my professional career, married my college sweetheart, and began to settle down. But God had different plans in store for me.

    While still in my twenties, I began looking for alternative income streams, and I went into business for myself. Initially, my business was only part-time. But I took it very seriously and diligently sought people who could teach me the necessary skill sets to be successful. Some of those mentors are still in my life today and are my most trusted mentors and advisors.

    My business and the pursuit of knowledge changed my life forever. While at a business conference, I attended a meeting where a successful businessman gave his testimony. It was that morning where I gave my life to Christ and a new journey began.

    As I grew in my faith, God gave me a vision and hunger - to help people live better lives. I wanted to learn more about the connection between capitalism and freedom, and what makes this country unique and exceptional. My faith and business fueled my passion for studying American history.

    In my studies I realized that the freedom we have in America is unparalleled. The Founding Fathers understood that neither liberty nor freedom was man-made. They knew that it was God's design and intent for mankind to be free and never live their lives under the bonds of another man.

    This freedom and liberty was not an accident and has never been free. The Framers were directed by Judeo-Christian principles in establishing our Constitution. Our freedom over the generations has been protected by all the patriots who went before us. They are heroes in my eyes, and we stand on their shoulders.

    Today I have the freedom to raise and educate my children as I see fit. I am free to start my own business, work hard, sacrifice, and prosper. I am free to think independently without penalty or threat. I am grateful to be able to worship God in the manner I choose.

    With resources like Peter Marshall & David Manuel's book The Light and The Glory and David Barton's videos “America's Godly Heritage” I studied the Founders' intent for the US Constitution and the motivation behind the authors of our founding documents. I am convinced that a limited government where the people are in charge is the most effective form of government available to mankind.

    "Nevertheless, to the persecution and tyranny of his cruel ministry we will not tamely submit -- appealing to Heaven for the justice of our cause, we determine to die or be free." - Joseph Warren

    I recognize the great risk that those early colonists invited when they mutually pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor so the United States could become a reality. Many of those signers of the Declaration against tyranny lost their lives and fortunes for a just cause. Their sacrifice is something I won't forget.

    I chose to boldly and fearlessly become a Freedom Fighter and a Defender of the Republic. I know my greatest weapon against tyranny is to educate this generation and the next about the blessings of liberty and why freedom must be preserved. Freedom and liberty are fragile, and once we lose it, we will never get it back.

    "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction… It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan, 40th US President

    In a free society, we have the hope that our children will live better lives than us. The opportunity has no guaranteed outcomes. The only guarantee is a chance to improve my life conditions on a level playing field. Free markets, competition, self-determination, self-reliance, and reward from hard work are all elements of capitalism. Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any government program could ever dream of. The ideological battle of our time is capitalism (freedom) vs. socialism. A redistribution of wealth promoted by the progressive movement never creates prosperity. Politicians who promote this ideology aim to give the people just enough amenities (income, health care, education, food, etc.) to stay dependent on the government. The aim is dependence on the government. This is not freedom.

    Our Founders were wary of pure Democracy, mob rule, and an intrusive government. A heavy-handed central government is built on the premise that its citizens are not capable of managing and directing their own lives.

    Our Founders believed that even though mankind is imperfect that we could still peacefully co-exist with our neighbor. How? Through fear from an authoritarian government? Not in America! Rather, we are capable of self-determination and civility because of virtue, morality, personal responsibility and the rule of law.

    Our rights do not come from man or government, but they come from God. They can never be taken away. However, if we are not vigilant, then we can surrender them.

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” - Declaration of Independence

    Our rights and freedoms must be protected at all costs. Freedom of speech, religious freedom, freedom from fear, the right to bear arms, the right to peaceful assembly, right to own property, and the right to vote for our elected leaders are all protected by the US Constitution.

    Our Constitution gives American citizens the boundaries to their behavior and defines the size and scope of government.

    Our Founders warned future generations that our children must be educated in civics, morality, and our nation’s history else our republic will end. Today, it is academia that has become largely anti-America. Our universities have become breeding grounds for radical leftist philosophy. Our Founders have been made to be villains rather than heroes. Religious liberty is being attacked like never before. The left is making it unacceptable for anyone to hold conservative values based on Judeo-Christian principles. Any attack or censorship of traditional American values is perfectly acceptable, justifiable, and necessary. This is just unsustainable for our country.

    This is a dangerous time. Never before has the original intent of America's forefathers been more at risk. The battle for the hearts and minds of all Americans is at stake. The role of the nuclear family, strong marriages, fatherhood, and manhood is being re-defined before our eyes. Will God's people sit back and do nothing because of fear?

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." — Edmund Burke

    Will we promote civil discourse when we disagree? Or has our society decayed so much that all we are left with is shouting, division, identity politics, class warfare, disparaging, shaming, canceling, threatening, and violence?

    Will we still defend those who are defending us? Our military, our law enforcement, and our first responders deserve our respect and appreciation. They put their lives at risk every day.

    Are freedom and liberty worth defending? Is America worth fighting for? Will the church take its rightful place and start praying?

    "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14

    God has given me a new vision: fighting for America, our heritage and our freedom.

    I believe that we can be that shining city on a hill again. Despite all its imperfections and challenges, there is no other place on earth like America. If we lose freedom, then all is lost.

    What will our descendants say about us? Did we keep the lamp of liberty lit for them? Will we, God's people who love our nation, stand beside her and guide her with the light from above? I am giving you a call to action.

    If passion for freedom burns in your heart, it's time to stand proudly and boldly defend the rights that so many men and women laid down their lives for. Join me in fighting for America.

    "Live Free or Die!"
    Joe Markiewicz
    Creator of serviciosforestalesrodes

    ]]> 2020-04-21T10:36:00-04:00 2020-05-27T10:09:22-04:00 Why the Electoral College Matters Marybeth Markiewicz

    Every four years during the presidential election we hear about the Electoral College. Most Americans have no idea what it is, why it is important, or the purpose behind it. 

    When the founding fathers decided on how to elect a president, there were different views. Not everyone agreed with the system we have today. James Madison was one who preferred the popular vote for the election of the president. Meanwhile, others like Alexander Hamilton preferred the Electoral College to give smaller states a perceived equality in voting power. Therefore, the Electoral College was born and exists for the latter. 

    Since states don’t possess an equal population, the Electoral College ensures that our country is not ruled by the large metro areas. 


    Imagine if our president was chosen by folks in Miami, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New York, Dallas, Atlanta, and Chicago? 


    That is exactly what the founders wanted to avoid. 

    They knew that the playing field needed to be leveled so that every state had a voice regardless of population. For instance, the smallest state in terms of population and electors is Wyoming with 3, which is one vote to every 135,000 voters. California, however, has 55 electoral votes, which is one vote for every 411,000 voters. Therefore, the smaller states do pack a punch.  


    The National Popular Vote

    Despite the founder’s establishment of the electoral college, some states want to eliminate the Electoral College. But that could destroy what makes our country work.

    The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) plan is the latest in a long line of schemes designed to replace the Electoral College. According to, the compact will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and completely dismantle the Electoral College.

    So far, 15 states - California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington - and the District of Columbia, representing a combined 196 electoral votes, have approved the proposed cocmpact. With those supporters, the NPVIC is 73% of the way to its goal of 270 votes.

    Bradley A. Smith, former Chairman of the Federal Election Commission said, 

    “Our system for electing a president has worked pretty well. There is no real case being made that it will work better if changed—only that it will look nicer if one subscribes to one particular vision of how democracies should work.…We are so accustomed to stable, generally good government that we sometimes forget that failure of government structures is historically much more common than success.…[W]e tinker with our success at our peril.”


    By moving to a national popular vote, we would be destroying one of the foundational checks and balances in our country. The interests of rural and small-town Americans would be abandoned for those of urban elites.

    If we turn back to one of the influential leaders in our country, James Madison said democracies are "incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths."

    America was set up as a republic, filled with numerous checks and balances to prevent one group - even the majority - from gaining power and using it to punish or exclude everyone they didn't like.

    Swing States

    Now here is where the “swing states” come in. There are a certain amount of states that are not consistently republican or democrat. For instance, a state could elect a republican governor during the same election where they give all of their electoral votes to the democratic candidate for president, or maybe they consistently waffle from supporting one party to the other in successive elections. 

    Swing states typically get the majority of the campaign stops, advertisements, and overall partisan media. Traditional swing states tend to be Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. 

    The rest of the states are considered “safe states” because they typically support one of the parties. When you think about electoral votes, it is these states that ultimately determine the winner because of their inconsistent partisan track records. 


    If each state has a certain number of electoral votes, do all have to go to one candidate?

     Great question! Every state but two have a winner-take-all system – Maine and Nebraska. This means that when the popular vote is counted all of the electoral votes must be given to a candidate. Electoral votes in Maine and Nebraska recently split twice. In 2008 when Nebraska, normally a republican leaning state gave four electoral votes to John McCain and one to Barak Obama. In 2016, we saw Maine, normally a democratic leaning state, give one vote to Donald Trump and the rest to Hillary Clinton. 


    What determines how many electoral votes each state has? 

    The number of electoral votes is determined by taking the number of seats in the US House of Representatives and adding two electors for the senators the state has in the US Congress. The number of representatives can change every time a US Census happens and determines the state population which then dictates districts and ultimately how many congressmen and women should be able to represent a state. If you were curious as to why another census is taking place, that’s why besides funding for programs based on population need. 

    Each state has its own way to elect and determine its electors. Electors may be elected by state legislatures or appointed by parties themselves. 

    In Pennsylvania, the campaign committee of each candidate names their respective electoral candidates. In some states like Oklahoma, Virginia, and North Carolina, electors are nominated in party conventions. The ultimate goal is to ensure that they have avoided having “faithless electors.” 


    Faithless Elector

    This term is important as there are many states where the elector does not necessarily have to vote along with the popular vote of their district or state, and when it happens they are labeled a “faithless elector.”

    The “faithless elector” has happened 164 times in US History. It happened with seven electoral votes in the last election. Two electors went away from President Trump while five slid over and put in votes against their districts who voted for Hillary Clinton. However, for the most part, the electors follow the vote of their districts. 

     If I were you, I would have a pretty important question about now.  Let’s see if we are on the same page. 


    If an elector does not have to follow the popular vote in their district, why do we even vote? 

    Great question.

    The harsh reality is that Americans indirectly elect the president. That is why if you listen closely after election results are posted you will hear comments about the meeting of the electors. They come together and officially cast their votes the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. The results are counted by Congress the first week of January before a joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives, which is presided over by the current vice president. 

     If an official majority (270 electoral votes) is not met, Congress turns itself into a presidential election session, where one vote is assigned to each of the 50 states, excluding the District of Columbia. The president is then elected, and the inauguration happens on January 20th

    When you think about liberty, freedom, and what our forefathers fought for, the Electoral College remains intact because every person and state needs to have an equal vote. The founders were focused on equality at every turn. Men and women have given their lives for the freedoms we hold dear and one of them is having a voice to vote. 

    Our votes add up to move electors to apply their votes. If we did not head to the polls, we would be trusting Congress to elect the president. I do not know about you, but I think that is a scary proposition. 

    As we move a little closer to November each day, know it will take all of us to cast our votes, put our freedoms in action, and let our voices be heard. Regardless of who wins, we will trust the process our founders established and be thankful for all who have given their lives so that we can play a part in electing the leader of the greatest country in the world. 



    ]]> 2019-08-15T11:36:00-04:00 2020-05-27T10:09:41-04:00 Vanishing - Where Has History Gone? Engo Theme When I was in school, history had a central thought:

    We study history to learn from past mistakes and build a better future.

    The trojan horse taught us to keep our friends close and our enemies closer. The destruction of Pompeii taught us not to cozy up next to active volcanoes. The bombing of Pearl Harbor taught the Japanese not to awaken sleeping giants, and the list goes on.

    Today, history’s core purpose is being challenged.

    Should history only be pleasant memories, without any lessons to learn? Significant figures and events are being systematically erased from the American historical landscape.

    A recent example is a San Francisco school wanting to remove an 80-year old, 13-panel mural depicting George Washington’s life.

    People are demanding the mural's destruction for having George Washington standing over a Native American’s corpse in one panel, and with slaves on his Mount Vernon estate in another.

    School district spokeswoman, Laura Dudnick, confirmed that despite two panels standing out as offensive, the board’s decision would apply to all thirteen panels.

    On August 13, 2019, the school board voted to paint over, but not destroy the mural. The estimated cost to paint over it has now reached $600,000. As of the time of this writing, there is still debate over whether to paint over/cover the mural or destroy it.

    San Fransico School Mural

    Art is only the beginning.

    San Francisco Board of Education President Matt Haney wants to remove the names of any past slaveholders from school buildings, including George Washington.

    He was inspired during a church service when the pastor shared that the author of the national anthem, Francis Scott Key, was a slave owner.

    In D.C., students at George Washington University voted to dump the school’s nickname “Colonials” along with their mascot “George” (a man dressed up depicting George Washington).

    In an article from The College Fix, students claim:

    “The use of ‘Colonials,’ no matter how innocent the intention, is received as extremely offensive by not only students of the University, but the nation and the world at large. The historically, negatively-charged figure of Colonials has too deep a connection to colonization and glorifies the act of systematic oppression.”

    However, a group, Young Americans for Freedom, is fighting to stop the change.

    “The university’s chapter stated that ‘a colonial is a unifying symbol of American resistance; it represents the American attitude to stand up to those who seek to defy liberty and justice for all.”

    Art and mascots are still not enough. Let’s go after statues next!

    Students at Hofstra University created a campaign called Jefferson Has Gotta Go (JGG)! The campus houses a statue of Thomas Jefferson, and there is a growing faction that wants it removed.

    Hofstra University Jefferson Statue

    Miranda Pino, a former College Democrats executive board member, says,

    “JGG isn’t just about a statue. Yes, the removal of the statue is important, but it is about what the statue represents: a legacy of racism and bigotry on college campuses.”

    Hofstra's president, Stuart Rabinowitz has refused to remove the statue.

    He stated he would, “consider further dialogue and education about our founding fathers, the Atlantic slave trade and Western expansion; to think about what freedom and equality mean at the University.”

    While his response is not a popular stance, it brings hope to this situation. Instead of caving into the shallow, ignorant demands of the day, Rabinowitz is choosing to educate the screaming masses.

    Thomas Jefferson said,

    "Above all things I hope the education of the common people will be attended to; convinced that on their good sense we may rely with the most security for the preservation of a due degree of liberty.”

    In other words, educate “the common people,” and they will protect liberty.

    Understanding the Context

    In today’s digital world, it’s easy to Google a topic, read a few headlines, and think you have justification for an opinion. It takes time to research, study, and try to understand the broader context to history's ebbs and flows.

    Only after understanding the context can we form an opinion.

    These American pioneers were living in a time where slavery was acceptable. The majority of the economy in the colonies was agricultural, and farms and plantations needed manpower. Since the start of time, slave labor was common. It wasn’t until the 17th and 18th centuries that the abolitionists began to arise. 

    It is crucial to understand this perspective from a historical context. If we choose to ignore historical context, then we miss an entire subtext.

    Who knows, future generations may judge us because we drive automobiles using combustion engines. What would your great-grandchildren think about our generation? It would be insane to think of tearing down statues and names of schools dedicated to Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Steve Jobs, and many other great inventors and scientists because of some wacky societal standards of a future civilization.

    Humanity is not perfect. We have our flaws. We have all fallen short of the Glory of God. Whether it is George Washington, the great General of the Revolution, Thomas Jefferson, the author of our Declaration, Abraham Lincoln, the Emancipator, or Dr. Martin Luther King, the civil rights leader. They ALL had flaws. Do we discard their bravery and courage because they had flaws? Is that how you desire your descendants to judge us? God help us if you do!

    What happens when all the “bad guys” are gone?

    What do we have to fall back on and learn?

    George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and other founders risked their lives to birth the United States because they believed in a country that could be a beacon of hope in a world of darkness.

    Founding Fathers Artwork

    I am not saying that I condone slavery. The entire western world today has, for the most part, eradicated it. But, to pass judgment on the heroes of the past based on today’s standards is grossly ignorant. Without these pillars of our country and the men and women who risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, we would never have the freedoms we enjoy today.

    The reality is that the Declaration of Independence held the core belief that All Men Are Created Equal. Unfortunately, the idea wasn't applied to all aspects of life and allowed human slavery to continue to occur.

    Many refer to that as America’s greatest sin.

    Almost 100 years later, that debt was paid with the insurmountable bloodshed of the American Civil War. In President Lincoln’s historic Emancipation Proclamation, he made a bold move to eradicate slavery and pursue human equality that was written in the Declaration of Independence. That stance would cost him his life.

    So what do we do with that information? 

    Do we destroy everything and everyone that had any connection to slavery? Hardly any American would be vindicated if their entire family history was examined. No matter your political ideology, your ancestors, your skin color, or your family origins, man’s inhumanity to man stained society since Cain and Abel. And yes, history tells us that blacks have enslaved other blacks as well. None of us are pure.

    Or do we honor the bravery and courage of our founding fathers while also remembering the lessons their lives taught us?

    Thomas Jefferson was right.

    The only way to protect what we hold dear is to educate. What happens when the screaming factions reject education and microwave an issue to scratch a cultural itch in the name of “justice”?

    History gets rewritten and retold in a way that never occurred. The facts and figures of the past are lost in the echoes of whichever voice is screaming the loudest.

    What do we do when the truth of the past is no longer self-evident? We must courageously choose to educate.

    Tell the story of history.

    Allow us to use the sins of the past to safeguard our future. When we erase our history, we are doomed to repeat the past. We must choose to speak up and share what happened.

    What if we moved from the sidelines and into the game?

    Take action! Write a letter to President Rabinowitz at Hofstra University or the San Francisco Board of Education President Matt Haney. 

    My history books tell me that our country's founders stood for liberty and protecting our country was even worth the ultimate price.

    ]]> 2019-07-19T15:40:00-04:00 2019-07-19T19:42:52-04:00 Channeling the American Spirit - How America Got to the Moon serviciosforestalesrodes Life in the 1950s was simple.

    World War II was in the rearview mirror, and Americans were starting to adjust to something called the “Cold War.” It was a high-tension period between the United States and the former Soviet Union as everything between the two countries became a race – a race toward nuclear weapons, secret intelligence capabilities, and to see who could conquer space first. 


    In 1957, the Soviet Union shocked the world when they successfully launched the first unmanned satellite into space. 

    Sputnik, which is Russian for “traveler,” orbited the planet, putting the Soviets first out of the gates.

    Americans did not take this well, and President Eisenhower refused to be passive as the Russians began to take over the United States’ global role in exploring new frontiers. 

    So, a year later, in 1958, Eisenhower launched a new organization that would take us into the cosmos – the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). 

    NASA Logo

    1958 continued as an innovative year when America launched Explorer I into space. Although it was a successful mission, the U.S. still found itself a year behind the Russians, and this did not sit well. 

    In April of 1961, the Soviets did it again. They were the first ones to put a man into orbit. It happened on Vostok 1, and Yuri Gagarin enjoyed the craziest ride any man had taken to date. 

    At this point, something had to be done. The folks at NASA were not merely perturbed, annoyed, or irritated. Nope, they were flat out enraged. 

    How could the United States continue to lose and watch the Russian rocket trails in the sky while they were left to figure out how they did it? 

    Sure, Alan Shepard became the first American in space the next month in May of 1961, but he did not even make it into orbit. 

    Time out! 

    Have you ever wondered why our country is known throughout the world to have a chip on its shoulder? 

    Why in every Olympics, we make the top ranks of the medal count? We possess this thing about us.

    Deep in our bellies, we as Americans FIGHT. We dig, scratch, claw, and grind. This notion of pushing forward at all costs comes from our American Heritage. 

    It was present when 56 men signed their death sentence on a piece of parchment on July 4, 1776, telling their mother country to take a hike. 

    This spirit of righteous indignation is what the space-race began to stoke, and our new, young president was eager to pour gas on that fire. Not long after Alan Shepard splashed back to earth, President John F. Kennedy cast the most audacious vision of the 20th century – the United States would land a man on the moon before the end of the 1960s. 

    At this point, it was game on and the pressure mounted as NASA was all hands on deck. Unfortunately, our race to the moon was not perfect, and we experienced some significant casualties. 

    Eight men died in preparation for the Gemini and Apollo missions including Roger Chaffee, Virgil Grissom, and Edward White during a training exercise for Apollo 1 due to a fire within the spacecraft cabin. 

    With America's resilience, NASA continued channeling the American spirit and pushed on. 

    1968 saw Apollo 8 become the first manned space mission to orbit the moon, but no one had yet to land on it. Time was running out, and the U.S. was not about to let the Russians leap ahead this time.

    On July 16, 1969, Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, and Michael Collins ignited their powerful Saturn V rocket off a Cape Canaveral launch pad destined for the moon. 

    Their sole focus was accomplishing President Kennedy’s vision – the first lunar landing. After hurtling through space for four days, it was time. 

    On July 20, 1969, the team safely landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong crawled out of the lunar module, and uttered those famous words to the world, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” 

    Neil's small step brought the United States past the finish line, winning the space race against the Soviets, and accomplishing Kennedy’s vision. 

    Unfortunately, President Kennedy was not alive to see it. It was a moment of heavy historical significance that few forget. 

    If you watch the old news footage, you will notice that even news anchor Walter Cronkite can barely speak. Ask someone that lived through the 1960s what their strongest memories were and the top three will be the assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., and the moon landing. 

    We cannot fully understand the weight of that moment, as people all over the globe experienced this unbelievable achievement of American ingenuity and the historical significance of this event. American pride grew which was sorely missing in the era of Vietnam and the turbulent '60s. The success was considered nearly miraculous from a scientific and engineering standpoint.

    The recent movie, Hidden Figures, does a powerful job of exploring that despite our country's civil rights issues, when the moment called for our best, we delivered. 

    moon landing

    As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Neil’s boots leaving the first footprints on the surface of the moon, I encourage you to experience the American spirit. What would happen, if we all lived like we were part of the greatest nation in the world and believed it? 

    Would we see less crime, less hate, better race relations, greater innovation, and real solutions to our world’s biggest problems? 

    I would like to think we would, and at the end of the day, you and I would be part of the solution. I have a hunch that maybe that sort of unity, spirit, tenacity, and grit could take us pretty far. 

    How far, you ask? To the moon and back. 



    ]]> 2019-02-01T16:11:00-05:00 2020-05-27T10:10:12-04:00 The Facade of Free - Why Socialism Isn't Free. Engo Theme

    I’ll admit it. I like free stuff. Whenever I can get something and not pay for it, I feel like I’ve unlocked something special and outsmarted the system. I use the Starbucks app. If you have it, you know how it works, but let’s bring everyone else up to speed. Each purchase earns you a certain number of stars based on how much money you spend. After so many stars you earn a free purchase. I currently have five free purchases waiting to be used. That’s right, five free drinks are coming my way!

    I also collect frequent flier miles, hotel points, and rental car points. Whenever I earn enough, I can get free flights, hotel stays or car rentals. If I get enough over time, I earn status and can get even more free perks.

    Face it, I’m a sucker for points!

    If I were to ask you if those Starbucks drinks, flights, hotel stays, or rental cars were really free, what would you say? Here’s what’s fascinating, the children in the room would say they were free, and the adults would say they weren’t. In fact, the adults would then have to explain to the kids why they weren’t free. I can hear it now, “They’re not free because you had to buy a certain amount of their product first. The company prices their products in such a way that they take into account the cost of a free flight or drink so that they never lose. Then they take the profit from other transactions with other customers and pool those profits together ensuring they have a buffer to offer these perks. In the end, EVERYTHING has a cost. Nothing is free!”

    Today we are looking down the barrel of a similar situation. Democratic Socialism has picked up steam since Bernie Sanders squared off against Hillary Clinton in the last election for the Democratic nomination. The momentum built even more during the mid-terms with the unsuccessful campaigns of Beto O’Rourke in Texas and Andrew Gillum in Florida and the election of Democratic Socialist Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. Their platform is simple…people deserve free – free healthcare, free college tuition, and free jobs that pay $15/hr. Who pays for it you may ask? The rest of us who are working for a living.

    Don’t get me wrong. I would love it if everyone in our beloved country was living the life of their dreams and thriving, but providing all these things for free is not realistic or fiscally responsible.

    In August of 2018, Brian Riedl wrote a piece for the website Vox titled, “America might be ready for democratic socialism. It’s not ready for the bill.” You can read it here. In it, he uses non-partisan and left-leaning sources to establish what free healthcare, free college tuition, and guaranteed jobs for everyone at $15/hr actually cost for the next decade.

    The numbers are staggering:

    • Healthcare – $32 trillion
    • College Tuition – $807 billion
    • $15/hr Guaranteed Jobs – €6.8 trillion ($56,000 a piece for 9.7 million enrollees)

    These numbers don’t even include the current federal debt or the other democratic socialist initiatives like the proposed social security expansion, government-funded abortion, paid family leave for new parents and those with serious health conditions, new infrastructure, and the government paying off everyone’s student debt.

    Will the adults in the room please stand up? Please share with our children, teenagers, college students, and anyone else who thinks that the idea of “free” actually exists why it doesn’t. As Jerry Maguire said, “Help me, help you!”

    Who pays for what’s free? You and I do. It happens with skyrocketing taxes, companies being forced to downsize because they can’t afford their current headcount, higher logistics and transportation costs to move goods (do you know that when you buy a banana in a grocery store, most of its cost is from transporting that banana through the supply chain?), and higher duty rates on imports.

    Everything is passed on to the consumer to stomach, but the level at which it would have to happen to afford “free” would be unprecedented and crippling to our economy. There’s a reason why typical socialist regimes are known for having nationwide poverty.

    In the end, we foot the bill to pay for the façade of free. I think I’m ready for one of my free Starbucks drinks now. Thanks for paying for it!

    ]]> 2018-12-07T10:54:00-05:00 2019-02-01T14:54:22-05:00 A Dangerous Ideology serviciosforestalesrodes In recent years we’ve seen a resurgence in the support for a form of government that flies in the face of what we hold dear in the United States of America. It’s called socialism, a political philosophy that directly goes against the ideals that the founding fathers dedicated their lives toward. Most Americans might understand bits and pieces of what a socialist country would look like, but they fail to fully understand its implications.

    A simple definition of socialism would be this – “fair”. This new government would “level the outcomes” rather than “leveling the playing field” typically found in a free market economy.

    Socialism is extremely attractive to the millennial generation and younger because they haven’t been taught the basic tenants regarding civics, liberty, capitalism, and freedom. Instead, they’ve grown up learning that the number one priority is fairness. When they put on their soccer cleats at age five, they played in a system that ensured everyone got equal playing time because it was “fair”. If that didn’t happen, their parents would have a conversation with the coach to make sure that he would fix his ways and be “fair”. When the season was over, regardless of record (because most kids leagues these days don’t even keep score anymore) every child got a trophy. Everyone's a winner when you live in the world of “fair”.

    Unfortunately, “fair” isn’t realistic or beneficial when we attempt to apply it to a nation-state. The deeper definition of socialism is this - a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, private property, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

    The nation is run by a mass community that controls what is given by whom, for whom, and to whom.

    Nothing is private. Government determines winners and losers.

    You don’t own land, your house, your car – nothing. Everything is divided out via some fairness ideal constructed by the community. Redistribution is a foregone conclusion and outcome.

    The big problem is that history continues to show us that this doesn’t work. Some would say that today’s Americanized, Bernie Sanders-led definition of socialism is more of a “soft socialism” since it is the bridge between capitalism and communism, but it is still a historically failed system.

    Socialism, or a group of people fixated on “fair” tend to create significant problems such as high tax rates, governmental monopolies, lower living standards, and disincentivizing effort, innovation and the overall quality of the nation’s output.

    Think about it. Who gets motivated when they realize that no matter how hard they work, it will never change their current economic condition. You’ll never make more money, buy a better house, get a nicer car to replace your rust bucket, or grow your career. Why? Because it’s not fair to everyone else.

    Socialism caters to the lazy, uninspired, people living in their mom’s basement trying to find themselves. Those cats would LOVE to get a piece of the pie from someone who started their business from nothing, worked their rear off for years trying to make ends meet, finally broke through, and now lead a multi-million-dollar corporation who employs tens, hundreds or even thousands of well-paid employees. Is it fair to give that person’s hard-earned money to basement boy? Socialism says it is.

    Richard Esptein, from the Hoovers Institution, puts it like this:

    "Bernie Sanders constantly pushes Medicare for all and free college tuition for all without ever understanding that with a price of zero dollars, supply and demand will be perpetually out of whack. Consumer demand explodes with the promise of free goodies, while the supply of goods and services shrinks given the want of revenue to cover wages and capital expenditures. When public price or wage controls ensure that supply will necessarily outstrip demands, only two responses, in tandem, occur. Queues form and quality declines."

    Do you see it? When “fair” happens, everyone wants in on what’s free, standards sag, and quality suffers. Socialism degrades a nation and, in the end, does not produce the kind of “fair” anyone is after.

    So, what is the alternative? Let’s go back to the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and individuals who crafted the US Constitution. They believed in two principles – self-government and freedom.

    Self-government is not a nation ruled by a community. Instead, it is a belief that people control their government and governments are subject to limitations and constraints. The idea that government originates from an implied contract among people who agree to obey laws in exchange for the protection of their natural rights.

    What are our natural rights? The answer is seen in the Declaration of Independence itself:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

    Therefore, when a government system based on “fair” is put in place it threatens our natural rights.

    We’ve all grown up being taught that our country is based on freedom. We associate freedom with the ability to do whatever, whenever, and wherever we want. Most Americans’ definition of freedom is like that warm June day when you were a kid, and you ran out of school at the end of the year like a rocket ship getting shot into orbit, yelling, “I’m free!!!!”

    The reality is that we have a warped view of what a country based on freedom means. Freedom is the belief that common people can govern themselves. They don’t need a king, monarch, or government to provide for themselves and their families. Thomas Jefferson said,

    “The policy of the federal government is to leave its citizens free, neither aiding nor restraining them in their pursuits.”

    Freedom happens when a government gets out of the way. Instead, they focus on facilitating an environment where its people make their own decisions, accept responsibility for those decisions, stoke their own passions, and follow their own pursuits while maintaining their natural rights.

    The current tension over socialism in our society comes from two opposing views. The first is people who do not believe that Americans are smart enough or capable enough to know what to do with the liberty and freedom that has been purchased. The rule of law is arbitrary and based on feelings. It’s like a thief suing the homeowner who shot him while he was robbing their home. In this view, the homeowner shouldn’t have shot him and is in the wrong because laws are merely ideas, not firm rules or regulations.

    The second view is people who believe God created us to be free. That it is “in our DNA” to desire independence, to design our own future and to work hard in order to provide for our own families. However, there needs to be a rule of law to guide behavior because man is inherently selfish and will make mistakes. Without the rule of law, no American can be protected from others denying our natural rights.

    Which camp are you in? Do you believe in a community-led pursuit of “fair”? Perhaps you follow the founders of our country and their vision for a country based on true freedom? Leave some comments below and let’s work together to defend the freedom that our brave men and women fought so hard to protect. After all, isn’t that “fair”?

    ]]> 2018-11-02T15:50:00-04:00 2020-06-23T16:26:48-04:00 Your Vote Matters Now More Than Ever Engo Theme

    As I write this blog, we as Americans are about to go to the polls and cast our vote for local issues, State Constitution Amendments, local leaders, State elected officers, US Senators, and every one of the 435 House of Representatives in the US Congress. There is no presidential election this year, yet it is clear that the Democrat Party is trying to make this about President Trump. It is as if they are trying to convince America that we made a mistake in 2016. No matter what the political affiliation is, it is clear that the interest in these midterms is at historic levels.

    This blog post certainly references the current societal and political discourse but certainly, the beliefs expressed here are timeless and can be applied to any election season.

    America is unique. There is no democratic republic like it on Earth. Never has there been, never will there be. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been models for democratic societies around the globe for generations. The principles of freedom and liberty, while not born in America, have become our bedrock for the American experience since the 18th century. It is fragile and must be preserved. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan,

    “Freedom does not pass down through the bloodstream.”

    The very principle of "We the People" implies that we, the citizens of the United States, are to govern ourselves. Limited, self-government is the construct for all Americans to have the freedom of self-determination. In a democratic republic, the government works for us. If we don't like the people we elected to represent us then we don't need a military coup or a violent revolution to remove them from office, we simply elect new representatives. Make no mistake, this is a radical idea in global geopolitical history.

    Political leaders are supposed to serve the people; all people, regardless of political ideology.

    Unfortunately, career politicians seem to care more about power than they do about the country and the people they represent. Corruption and elitism should not be allowed to exist. The people should replace them.

    All citizens have a civic duty and the privilege to be informed and to vote for their representatives. This right and privilege that US citizens have, has been bought and paid for in the blood of patriots through the generations of American history, to preserve our Constitutional Republic, the rule of law and our freedom. This right should not be taken lightly. We the people go to the polls to have a say in who will lead our country, write our laws, and preserve our American values.

    We have a choice of who will guide our local, state, and federal government. There's great division in our country today. Two different ideologies wrestling over what is the future of America. Political and societal tension is nothing new to America. When Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president of the United States in January 1981, he inherited a very divided country, high unemployment, high taxes, racial tension, hyperinflation, and a population that saw a weak United States on the world stage. President Reagan's belief was stated in his inaugural address:

    “In the present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem!"

    His belief was in a return to a limited government approach and giving more power back to the people. His eight years in office saw a prosperous and robust America that history sees as a time of relative peace, prosperity, and prestige on the world stage.

    America today is a diverse country with many cultures, customs, and beliefs. However, we are Americans and we should celebrate our commonality, our shared values and the blessings of liberty. We should be grateful to stand on the shoulders of our forefathers who risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor so we can live in a free country.

    Unfortunately, even in a time of relative peace and great prosperity in America, there is tremendous division and strife in our country. These statistics tell a compelling story:

    • Over 4% growth in the economy
    • Salary and wage growth highest in 10 years
    • Job openings top 7 million for the first time
    • Effectively a full employment economy
    • Black, Hispanic and women unemployment is historically low
    • Home ownership is up
    • Consumer confidence is up
    • Minority business start-ups are up
    • Americans are receiving more of their paycheck

    The list goes on and on.

    So why such hatred and hostility? It seems like civility is dead. Forgiveness and grace are nonexistent. Respect for others and their opinions is a thing of the past. Name-calling and personal disparagement are the default reactions to people they disagree with because they aren't willing to listen to other views or welcome civil public intellectual discourse. Freedom of speech is only allowed when an opponent agrees with their ideology. Tolerance seems to only apply to group-think. Identity politics is a tool to keep Americans fighting against each other while animosity, anger, hatred, and fear seem to be desired outcomes of political groups.

    Those who are out of power and want desperately to get it back, inflict carnage on the American society.

    Those of us who fly the flag, encourage civility, honor our heroes, protect our borders, promote the rule of law, defend the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, free speech, the Second Amendment, and religious liberties are called extremists, terrorists, racists, bigots, xenophobes, white supremacists and on and on. Minorities who care to think on their own are equally disparaged and written off. The screaming, the fear tactics, the threat of violence, and lack of civility were on full display during the Kavanaugh hearings.

    The hostility of violent mobs, lack of decency, and lack of respect is not going away. Politicians like Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, along with many Hollywood personalities, not only seem to condone this behavior but also encourage it.

    Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is on record as calling her political enemies “monsters”, “xenophobes”, and “brutal white supremacists.” So much for encouraging intellectual public argument and discourse over policies. Since they can't win that argument the only way to harvest votes is through fear tactics, division, and sowing anger and hatred. This is heading to a place where someone is going to get killed. This is a threat to our society and republic. Many mainstage media personalities are no better and they no longer try to hide their biases and disagreement with the result of the 2016 election.

    Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn was an outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and communism. His words ring true today:

    “It's a universal law -- intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.”

    In conclusion, so much is riding on this election. Our obligation as voters is to be informed. We as citizens must learn to think for ourselves. Your vote and the votes of others like you will determine what role government will play in our lives. We must look beyond political speeches, opinions of uneducated peers, social media, propaganda, fear tactics, and hate speech.

    “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”
    Ronald Reagan, Oct 27, 1964

    So what is it that we must vote for? Consider these principles as you vote:

    • For righteous and moral leaders
    • For political statesmen and women who will pledge civility and respectful intellectual public discourse and dialogue with people they differ with in order to solve problems for the greater good
    • Selfless, factionless political leaders
    • For leaders who do what's right, not what's politically expedient
    • For leaders who love America, our Constitution, and our heritage
    • For leaders who respect the rule of law
    • For leaders who understand and appreciate the gift of freedom and liberty. No government or man gives us our rights but they are inalienable
    • Capitalism and not socialism
    • For honor, integrity, and living by the Golden Rule
    • For political leaders who know they are servants of the people and not the other way around
    • For leaders who promote free enterprise and the opportunity to rise up the economic ladder because of hard work and personal initiative
    • For religious freedom

    It is your country. Be responsible. Be informed. Now vote.

    Authored by Joe Markiewicz - serviciosforestalesrodes Contributor

    ]]> 2018-09-10T17:49:00-04:00 2019-02-01T14:54:50-05:00 How You Can Participate in Observing the National Day of Service and Remembrance serviciosforestalesrodes Many of us remember exactly what we were doing on the morning of September 11, 2001, when we saw the horrible tragedy and loss of life unfolding before our eyes on live TV.

    Some of us were actually eyewitnesses to the attacks in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania.

    Those images and pain will remain with us for the rest of our lives. America has changed so much since then. In some cases for the worse. The political and ideological lines of division are shocking.


    “Firefighters are a special breed. Their noble calling is to save lives even to the cost of giving their own. By just showing up to work every day is in itself an act of bravery. It doesn’t pay well, there are few vacations and they must drop all on a moment’s notice because their duty is to serve others and keep them from harm. What makes a firefighter run into a burning building when all others are running out? The answer is in one word...courage! Let us remember the firefighters in our community who unselfishly serve us and keep us safe 24/7.”

    - JM

    The image of America’s ideals and exceptionalism are slipping further into the rearview mirror much the same way as this generation forgets the inspiration that President Ronald Reagan had when he spoke of America as the “Shining City on a Hill”.

    However, in the soul of every American, there is still some good. September 11 has become the National Day of Service and Remembrance. It is a time to reflect upon all that is good in America and what we can do for our fellow man; that is part of the essence of what it means to be American.


    Here are some ways to Serve and Remember:

    1. Use Your Time and Talents to Serve

    September 11 is a day that provides plenty of opportunities for you to give back to your community and do good for those who are less fortunate or need some extra help. Americans around the country will rally together to host food drives, plant trees in neighborhoods and parks, clean up the local streets, paint schools and many other projects to give back.

    You don’t have to choose a volunteer project that is directly related to 9/11; this day is about remembering the past and honoring those who gave everything by merely uniting with others to do good. Find a volunteer opportunity near you on their website, at


    "The Law of the Jungle or the Rule of Law? This is the world we are faced with every day in our towns, our communities, and our cities.

    We are safe because of the men and women who patrol our streets with a deep sense of duty and service. A free people are protected by our Brave Heroes in Blue knowing that each night could be their last. They are dads, moms, husbands, wives, brothers, and sisters. They know the dangers. Every day and night they bravely put their lives on the Thin Blue Line standing between anarchy and peace so that our families may sleep safely tonight. We truly are free Because of the Brave!"

    - JM

    2. Plan a Trip to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum

    Ten years after the 9/11 tragedy, this incredible museum opened to the public and pays tribute to the event through many exhibits that honor the lives lost. The museum includes artifacts, archives, and multimedia displays, to view or you can sit and reflect by the twin reflection pools nearby. If you live in the area, the museum has volunteer opportunities you can participate in.

    3. Make A Donation In Memory/Honor

    The Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund continues to provide scholarships to victims’ dependents, while the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund assists the communities most affected by the disaster. Join thousands who honor the NYPD and FDNY first responders by donating to the New York City Police Foundation or the FDNY Foundation, or to your local fire departments or police stations. Those who have a love for animals can donate to a shelter, or rescue operation, or assistance dog program like K9s for Warriors, in remembrance of the many therapies and search-and-rescue dogs whose efforts were monumental in assisting individuals during this difficult event.

    4. Thank a Hero / Share a Story

    We encourage our nearly 25K social media Followers to jump into the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Please take a moment to Comment on our post, share a photo, or Message us privately either with your words of gratitude for a first responder or with a story that means a lot to you about that fateful day. Allow us to come together as a community to support and honor those among us who were personally affected. Thank you in advance for joining in using #ThankAHero or #My911Story.


    1. It’s a reminder of maintaining hope, serving others, and the power of goodness

    Like Mr. Roger’s mom said to him as a child—when there’s a disaster, look for the helpers. Though 9/11 was an incredible tragedy in our nation, it revealed the goodness of humanity that remains. From a selfless subway conductor in Manhattan who shuttled people away from the scene, to the many residents of Newfoundland who took in the passengers of planes that were diverted that day, we learned so much about the kindness and care of people. Thousands showed incredible bravery, compassion, and generosity during the intensity of the response and the many difficult days following.

    2. It is our duty and privilege to honor the fallen and those who were left behind.

    Along with remembering the bravery of the first responders and volunteers, it is our honor to keep alive the memories of those who were lost. The lives that didn’t make it.

    We choose to celebrate their lives and ensure that they’re never forgotten. This is one of the most powerful ways that we can honor them—there is immense power when America collectively remembers these people.

    3. We are responsible for educating the next generation

    We have seen the importance of remembering and honoring the people that we lost in of 9/11; It’s equally important to pass these lessons on to the next generation and our children.

    Though the subject is weighty and sad, the next generation must take on the responsibility to ensure that September 11 isn’t forgotten. Teachers and parents can download school lesson plans and educational guides, watch documentaries together, with their kids and — perhaps most important of all — quietly sit down and have a conversation.

    And remember, it’s ok if you do not have all the answers.


    "Abraham Lincoln once said ‘Next to creating a life, the finest thing a man can do is save one.’ There is no higher honor than to be given the responsibility to care for another human being. Our Emergency Medical and Rescue first responders are typically the ones who show up on the scene when people’s lives hang in the balance. They serve our communities with one objective, they save lives. We honor and appreciate them for their dedication and service."

    - JM

    ]]> 2018-07-02T17:14:00-04:00 2018-07-03T09:53:11-04:00 What is America? serviciosforestalesrodes I can hear the sound of fireworks off in the distance tonight as July 4th winds down and I can pause a few minutes to reflect on the history of this great nation on this Independence Day. For some, this day is truly a celebration of the birth of this nation and a remembrance of our Founding Fathers' vision of a nation free from tyranny and the recognition that Liberty and Freedom are rights whose source is Divine Providence and can never be taken away by man or government.

    For the majority of Americans this is just another day off from their jobs. There are BBQ's and picnics, parades and carnivals, sparklers and fireworks. Yet the majority fail to reflect on the significance of the Declaration of Independence as the greatest document ever written in the history of mankind apart from the Bible followed by the ratification of the US Constitution which established the role of government and the rule of law in this Democratic Republic.

    As Thomas Jefferson authored...

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

    The founders penned their vision of a government that derives its powers from the governed. It is also the Right of the People to abolish or alter it IF the government becomes destructive to these rights endowed by our Creator. The Declaration reminds us of the limited role that government should have. The Constitution defines that role. The government does not guarantee HAPPINESS (nor can they ever) but rather ensure our God-given right to PURSUE HAPPINESS.

    So what is America? Is the America we live in today the same that the Founders signed their death warrants for? What about all those patriots who gave their lives from the Revolutionary War to present day defending our liberty and our way of life? Is this the same America? Is America that "shining light on the hill" to a dark world anymore? Is America still exceptional?

    John Adams' famous letter of July 3, 1776, in which he wrote to his wife Abigail what his thoughts were about celebrating the Fourth of July is found on various websites but is usually incorrectly quoted. Following is the exact text from his letter with his original spellings:

    "The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more. You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the Gloom, I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will triumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not."

    There was no illusion to those present in Philadelphia that this journey would not be easy.

    Upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Ben Franklin responded to a comment by John Hancock that they will all hang for this. He was the oldest signer of the Declaration of Independence, and when he finished signing the document, he joked:

    "Gentlemen, we must now all hang together, or we shall most assuredly all hang separately."

    The members of the Continental Congress committed to each other and their country:

    "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

    Were these just words? Did they really "walk the walk" as we say today?

    We tend to forget that to sign the Declaration of Independence was to commit an act of treason -- and the punishment for treason was death. To publicly accuse George III of "repeated injuries and usurpations," to announce that Americans were, therefore "absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown," was a move fraught with danger -- so much so, that the names of the signers were kept secret for six months.

    We all recognize John Hancock's signature, but do we notice the names beneath his? William Ellery, Thomas Nelson, Richard Stockton, Button Gwinnett, Francis Lewis -- to most of us, these are names without meaning. But each represents a real human being, some of whom paid dearly "for the support of this Declaration" and American independence.

    Lewis Morris of New York, for example, must have known when he signed the Declaration that he was signing away his fortune. Within weeks, the British ravaged his estate, destroyed his vast woodlands, butchered his cattle, and sent his family fleeing for their lives.

    Another New Yorker, William Floyd, was also forced to flee when the British plundered his property. He and his family lived as refugees for seven years without income. The strain told on his wife; she died two years before the war ended.

    Carter Braxton of Virginia, an aristocratic planter who had invested heavily in shipping, saw most of his vessels captured by the British navy. His estates were largely ruined, and by the end of his life he was a pauper.

    The home of William Ellery, a Rhode Island delegate, was burned to the ground during the occupation of Newport. Thomas Heyward Jr., Edward Rutledge, and Arthur Middleton, three members of the South Carolina delegation, all suffered the destruction or vandalizing of their homes at the hands of enemy troops. All three were captured when Charleston fell in 1780, and spent a year in a British prison.

    Thomas Nelson Jr. of Virginia raised $2 million for the patriots' cause on his own personal credit. The government never reimbursed him, and repaying the loans wiped out his entire estate. During the battle of Yorktown, his house, which had been seized by the British, was occupied by General Cornwallis. Nelson quietly urged the gunners to fire on his own home. They did so, destroying it. He was never again a man of wealth. He died bankrupt and was buried in an unmarked grave.

    Richard Stockton, a judge on New Jersey's supreme court, was betrayed by loyalist neighbors. He was dragged from his bed and thrown in prison, where he was brutally beaten and starved. His lands were devastated, his horses stolen, his library burnt. He was freed in 1777, but his health had so deteriorated that he died within five years. His family lived on charity for the rest of their lives.

    In the British assault on New York, Francis Lewis's home and property were pillaged. His wife was captured and imprisoned; so harshly was she treated that she died soon after her release. Lewis spent the remainder of his days in relative poverty. And then there was John Hart. The speaker of the New Jersey Assembly, he was forced to flee in the winter of 1776, at the age of 65, from his dying wife's bedside. While he hid in forests and caves, his home was demolished, his fields and mill laid waste, and his 13 children put to flight. When it was finally safe for him to return, he found his wife dead, his children missing, and his property decimated. He never saw any of his family again and died, a shattered man, in 1779.

    We owe these patriots a debt of gratitude! Do our children know about these people? Do our Public Schools teach these truths regarding the birth of our nation? I am starting to doubt whether many of our elected officials appreciate and honor these heroes or even care. To some, the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution is "just a paper".

    What is America? Ronald Reagan said it well in his inaugural speech as governor of California:

    “Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”

    Is this the generation of extinction? Based on what we’ve seen in the media, it’s not exactly a far-fetched notion. This is a dangerous time, and never before has the original intent of America’s forefathers been more at risk.
    This generation seems to find it hard to believe and therefore dismiss that the Founding Fathers were willing to sacrifice their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor because they believed in a noble and worthy cause for freedom from tyranny. The principle that we are endowed, by our Creator, with certain inalienable rights was the motivation and guiding hand directing the Framers. They risked everything because they had a moral and Biblical backing to break the reigns of King George.

    This generation also forgets that these “rights” they so loudly defend do not come from man or government. The Founding Fathers understood they came from God and that neither liberty nor freedom were man-made. They knew that it was God’s design and intent for mankind to be free and never live their lives under the bonds of another man. The idea of America will always come back to the original intent of our Founders.

    Religious fervor has now been replaced by malicious uprising. The fact remains, you can’t be a free nation without a people who accept personal responsibilities for their actions. We have more freedom than any other country and yet we have more social and political tension than ever before. Mob mentality has swept the nation, as we heatedly debate over immigration, cultural issues, the role of government, and religious freedoms.

    Just this month, we’ve seen a rise in fear tactics, hate mongering, character assassination and physical threats. When our White House Press Secretary can no longer enjoy a meal with her family without the protection of Secret Service, we’ve got to take responsibility. When a man can interrupt a GOP baseball game and attempt to murder Republican officials with his semiautomatic rifle because he disagrees with a politician, we have to take responsibility. Peaceful, civil, and spirited political discourse is expected, and has always been encouraged within a free country. But when celebrities are championing political assassinations and members of Congress are calling for nation-wide harassment on opposing

    members of political parties and citizens who they disagree with, we HAVE to take responsibility.

    Our Founding Fathers formed the Declaration of Independence through debate. They began divided, and remained divided in many ways. They had differing opinions on political control, loyalty to the Crown, societal expectations. And yet, it was their dedication to faith, morality, and liberty that laid a foundation of civility. Despite their differences they had one powerful motivation...their love for their country and liberty. They were able to argue peacefully, showing a nation of how to conduct civil discourse and respectful debate. They recognized that threat of violence, division, and smear tactics do not change the country for the better. They simply cause more strife. It’s a distorted view of Freedom of Speech, one that was never intended. Those founding documents mattered in the 18th century, and it’s clear they are needed even more today.

    So, on this Independence Day in America as people go about their picnics and fireworks we should ask ourselves "What is America?" Are we going to do something about our departure from the vision of our Founding Fathers that formed this great nation, conceived in liberty, as ONE NATION UNDER GOD?

    We echo the words of Ronald Reagan in a speech he made called "What the Fourth of July means to me":

    "Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder that here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights; that government is only a convenience created and managed by the people, with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people. We sometimes forget that great truth, and we never should."

    Happy Independence Day! "Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof" - Leviticus 25:10

    Authored By Joe Markiewicz serviciosforestalesrodes Contributor + Owner and President of Markiewicz International, Inc.

    ]]> 2018-05-04T16:31:00-04:00 2020-06-19T16:08:13-04:00 Is Feminism Dead? An Open Letter to Michelle Wolf Engo Theme Let me preface this by stating that, for the record, I consider myself to be a “Conservative American Feminist.” Now, before you grab your pitchfork, allow me to explain.

    I support equal rights and pay. I believe women should have the opportunity to lead without discrimination. I validate any woman raising her voice for a just cause. I am pro-life, pro-men, and pro-America.

    Feminism was birthed in a spirit of unity. Women didn’t desire to BE men, they simply wanted to be considered. They wanted their voice to matter. And yet somehow, over the course of centuries, feminism has come to mean something else entirely.

    It has somehow evolved into a bitter battle, often embracing crude language and juvenile, uneducated contention. Feminism has become reactionary vs. proactive. It is classless, cold, and arrogant. Most of all, it does not represent the positive origin of the movement.

    Point being, our modern take on feminism IS NOT TRUE FEMINISM.

    When I heard comedian and self-proclaimed feminist, Michelle Wolf’s address at the White House Correspondents dinner this week, I was shocked by her blatant disrespect and dishonor. The following letter is my personal response to her performance, her degradation, and her misguided representation of the American woman.


    The White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD) is typically an evening of tradition. Dating back almost 70 years, the night is a pleasant mix of light political roasting, often directed at the sitting President, as well as praise for journalistic feats and risks well-taken throughout the year.

    No U.S. President has declined the WHCD invitation in years past. No U.S. President has ever had to. Ronald Reagan even made sure to call in during the dinner when we was forcibly absent due to an assassination attempt. The event has always been a night of celebration, jesting, and ultimately…respect.

    It’s no wonder that President Trump felt the need to skip the past 2 dinners, as we are so obviously living in a season of tension amongst the media. Hate speech is no longer appalling, becoming our dominant form of communication. What we once deemed as disrespect has now become the socially accepted.

    This leads me to you, Miss Wolf.

    You had an opportunity. As a comedian, you were honored with a nationally televised platform at your disposal. What you chose to do with that platform sadly reveals the current state of our American culture.

    Basically, you botched it.

    From a personal standpoint, I believe you botched it for women. You botched it for women in comedy. You botched it for women in politics. You botched it for women in any form of power.

    You claim to be a feminist. I watched a few of your comedy routines, and they absolutely promote a feminist worldview. You write for strong women, you push for equality, you champion the feminist cause. And yet, in a room of some of the most powerful women in the WORLD, you made a very interesting choice.

    You used your platform to declare women UNWORTHY.

    In 20 minutes, you single-handedly destroyed every advancement we’ve made as American women. The heart of feminism beats of SUPPORT and encouragement. Look at our original Suffragettes. They believed that in order for a woman to be taken seriously, for their cause to be legitimized, they needed a respectful, well-educated and logical-leading approach.

    Your emotional, filthy, and crude jokes shamed those original female pioneers. You made us, as women, look ridiculous. You set us back. You did what we so often fight. You made our voice untrustworthy. Don’t agree?


    You brought up Kellyanne Conway saying:

    "You guys have got to stop putting Kellyanne on your shows. All she does is lie. If you don’t give her a platform, she has nowhere to lie. It’s like that old saying, if a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree? I’m not suggesting she gets hurt. Just stuck. Stuck under a tree.”

    You may not agree with her politics. You may not agree with her delivery. But to playfully wish her harm in today’s violent climate was irresponsible and yes, absolutely anti-feminist. Roast her, throw a joke her way. But you stripped this woman’s WORTH. Because you don’t approve of her worldview, you’ve declared her undeserving of life.

    If you claim to be a feminist, why is your support of powerful women only targeted to those whom you agree? If you claim to be a feminist, why would you EVER feel it appropriate to tear down another woman, especially one who’s worked her way into a job with such influence?

    However, I shouldn’t be surprised that you believe a strong woman’s life does not matter. Your value of the human life was also illustrated that night through your commentary on Mike Pence. You said:

    "Mike Pence is very anti-choice. He thinks abortion is murder, which, first of all, don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it. You know, you’ve got to get that baby out of there.”

    Let me begin by apologizing to any and ALL women who were hurt, victimized, and shamed over this comment. According to a 2011 British study, women who’ve undergone an abortion have an 81% increased risk of mental health problems.

    According the APA’s latest data, at least 28% of abortive mothers regret their choice. By these statistics alone, your horrific comment alienated most of the women you claim to support. Those words did not advance your cause, and quite frankly the joke bombed. Once delivered, that joke was applauded with moans and sighs of disgust.

    I listened to an interview where you genuinely discuss a woman’s right to choose. You appeal to your audience that rape is a viable reason for an abortion. If that is your stance, then why be so cavalier about such a heavy and statistically emotional decision? If you are FOR women, why joke so harshly about a topic that negatively affects the MAJORITY of women in this country? A true feminist would never wish harm or disregard another woman’s pain.

    As we move on, let’s look at your opinion of Ivanka Trump:

    "There’s also, of course, Ivanka. She was supposed to be an advocate for women, but it turns out she’s about as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons. She’s done nothing to satisfy women, so I guess, like father, like daughter. Oh, you don’t think he’s good in bed, come on. She does clean up nice, though. Ivanka cleans up nice. She’s the Diaper Genie of the administration: on the outside, she looks sleek, but the inside, it’s still full of s***.”

    To this quote, I ask you, Miss Wolf:

    Have you written a NYTimes bestselling book on the advancement of women in the workplace? Do you personally run a multi-million dollar company? At what point did YOU organize worldwide summits, meeting with ambassadors, kings, and presidents promoting women entrepreneurs? Have you formed initiatives in developing countries educating women in entrepreneurship and finance?

    Again, you may not agree with the politics, you may not personally respect the woman. But what Ivanka Trump has managed to accomplish for women in one year will far outlive what you’ve put forth in 20 minutes.

    Let’s continue with your take on Sarah Huckabee Sanders:

    “I actually really like Sarah. I think she’s very resourceful. She burns facts, and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Like maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies. And I’m never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you know? Is it Sarah Sanders, is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is it Cousin Huckabee, is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? Like, what’s Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women? Oh, I know. Aunt Coulter.”

    As you spoke out about Sanders, also comparing her to a television character known for using a cattle prod and vicious abuse to reign in women’s voices, the nation watched as she took your “jokes” in stride. Many women under that kind of attack would stand and excuse themselves, and every single person in that room would not find her at fault.

    You were harsh, you were tasteless. She was dignified, gracious, and the epitome of class. You slapped one cheek, and she allowed you to slap the other. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was the perfect representation of strength and character that evening. You could learn much from her level of professionalism and powerful femininity.

    To Megan Kelly you remarked:

    "What would I do without Megyn Kelly? Probably be more proud of women. Megyn Kelly got paid $23 million by NBC, then NBC didn’t let her go to the Winter Olympics. She’s so white, cold, and expensive, she might as well be the Winter Olympics."

    It’s an interesting attack, since you, yourself, so often SCREAM for higher wages for women. You’ve picketed, you’ve used your comedy to address the issue, you’ve even written equal pay material for late night shows. However, you’ve just communicated to Americans that only CERTAIN women are worthy of that equality.

    Megyn Kelly is one of the highest paid women in media, and instead of celebrating that as the feminist you claim to be, you not only target her income, you say you’d be prouder of women without her existence. Again, you slam the nail in the coffin. Women are not worthy.


    You had 20 minutes, Miss Wolf. You were hired to lightly jest, bringing the zings only a comedian can offer. You had an opportunity. An opportunity you squandered with filthy language and classless jokes.

    Yes, free speech is a beautiful thing. It is your right as an American citizen to speak out and speak up. However, it’s also important to note that free speech comes with consequences. What will yours be, I wonder? You may have high ratings, the NY Times may hail you as “the feminist our country needs.” But what did you REALLY do to advance the American woman’s voice?


    You gave an emotional and politically-driven, bitter and belittling diatribe that only set women back. This is not the voice of a TRUE woman. An American woman’s voice should be strong, proud, and always supportive. An American woman’s voice should be encouraging. It should be educated and well-read. It should be inspiring and challenging. It should be respectful. It should be wise. An American woman’s voice should stand for virtue, freedom, and morality. But most importantly, the American woman’s voice should be HEARD.

    TRUE women of America, it is time to raise your voice. It is time to say "no thank you" to the cause of “Nasty Women." We’ll take it from here. Michelle Wolf’s speech was a drop in the bucket, however it was the perfect example of our culture’s misguided understanding of respect and morality. From all accounts, it seems we’ve lost our way. We’ve abandoned any form of virtue, celebrating only what culture deems important.



    The mentality of the Left tends to lean towards an obvious hypocrisy. As Miss Wolf demonstrated, according to Hollywood elites, women are only worthy of leadership when their ideology aligns with a liberal point of view. And it doesn’t stop there.

    We also see it in liberal universities across the country. Academia seems to have a high regard for what you mistakenly call “a feminist.” In 2014, a civil lawsuit was filed against the University of California, Santa Barbara and feminist professor Mireille Miller-Young. She was convicted of stealing from and assaulting pro-life protesters. The feminist studies professor, who specializes in queer theory and pornography, went on a videoed rampage as she stole and destroyed a pro-life poster before attacking and causing minor injuries to a 16-year-old protester. She is currently finishing up her court-ordered 3-year probation, however the university did nothing about the matter.

    Was she fired? Of course not. Reprimanded? Not a bit. She remains a professor within the feminist studies department. If this were the other way around, do we really believe no punishment would be served? And in what way, exactly, was this feminist professor supporting women’s rights? These students were peacefully protesting their right to life. A TRUE feminist would applaud any form of free speech benefitting a woman’s well-being. And yet we know that with the Left, tolerance is preached but rarely practiced.

    That doesn’t have to be the end of our story!



    Yes, Miss Wolf. America heard you. But America will not remember you. Your words will not stand in the tidal wave of fierce femininity. What you said was not wise. It was not respectful. You did not stand for anything of substance, you were not strong. You were not supportive. You were not encouraging, and the words you chose did not reflect your education. Frankly, you were not a feminist.

    The voice of truth will not be silenced. It resounds in the heart of this nation. It’s time for a different message. Women of America, you are WORTHY of better representation. Speak up for yourselves! YOU are the feminist our country needs. Do not let a classless speech form the way our world views American women. This will not stand. It is time for us to come together, fight for our voice, and inspire a generation. Will you join us?!

    A Real American Woman

    ]]> 2018-03-23T15:32:00-04:00 2019-02-01T14:55:04-05:00 Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death serviciosforestalesrodes On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry stood before the Second Virginia Convention and sounded one of the most famous calls to arms in American history. At the time, the colonies were disorganized, disunified, and disgruntled as debate ensued over forming defensive militias against the British. Many still believed that diplomacy would overcome any contention with Great Britain, but Henry understood the road that lie before them.

    Revolution was coming. The first Continental Congress ended months prior with a grievance petition to King George III. The Boston harbor was now under British blockade as a punishment for the 1773 Boston Tea Party. Certain colonies were even boycotting British goods. Tensions were mounting, leading to a second convention with intentions of discussing Virginia’s role in negotiating with the Crown.

    Patrick Henry, a prominent Virginian lawyer and recent delegate to the Continental Congress, was a leader among many as 120 delegates arrived at the Second Virginia Convention. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, as well as many other Declaration of Independence signers were in the room that day, all witnesses of Henry’s passionate plea.

    Henry understood that war with Britain was not just an option, it was an inevitably. He knew the best way to begin preparing the colonies was to pass a resolution that raised county militiamen. This was not a new idea at the time, many other colonies had passed similar resolutions. Henry himself had raised a volunteer outfit in his home county. However, tensions were high amongst the Convention, and many still believed that there were options outside of gunfire.

    As the debate began, Patrick Henry grew more and more impatient. He listened as men gave prolonged speeches of wordy arguments and over-educated reason. He watched as the room grew weary of discussion, and after allowing many to speak, a passionate Patrick Henry finally rose. In one historical account, it states that a “Baptist minister who was watching the proceedings would later describe him as having ‘an unearthly fire burning in his eye.’”

    "Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament.

    Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne. In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope.

    If we wish to be free, if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending, if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!”

    The speech was followed by silence, delegates clinging to their loyalist stance. However, when it came time for a vote, the numbers awarded Henry with defensive action. Henry was then appointed the head of a new committee charged with preparing the Virginia militia for combat. And not a moment too soon, as weeks later “the shot heard round the world” blasted through the colonies announcing the bloody start to the Revolutionary War. Henry continued as a delegate to Virginia, eventually becoming the state’s governor. He’s credited for many accomplishments in American history, but it was his will to stand and speak up that bears his legacy.

    As Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “It is not now easy to say what we should have done without Patrick Henry. He was before us all in maintaining the Spirit of the Revolution.”

    WHY does this speech and others like it still matter today? How does this apply to our current state as a country?

    It’s simple. The foundation of Patrick Henry’s passion, the motivation behind this very speech represents a truth that remains absolutely relevant to our America. We live in a culture of challenge. A society of tolerance and compromise. As Patrick Henry stood to challenge his fellow patriots, he was facing the same test. Would he compromise freedom in the midst of so many willing to tolerate British oppression?

    We often hear of those who oppose the literal interpretation of the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution. We hear it’s outdated, it doesn’t apply to our culture, it was written by slave-owners, the list goes on. Somehow, we seem to miss the foundational value that remains a generational guide: that TRUTH, VIRTUE, and MORALITY do not change according to the whims of current society. The principles of a free people do not diminish in the face of culture, political persuasion, or just what we deem right in the moment.

    The foundational truth these men held and that must be held today is that our freedoms and rights, our liberty does not come from man or government. It comes from God, and God alone.

    The founding fathers knew this. That’s why they included it in our nation’s founding document:

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

    Patriots like Patrick Henry, George Washington, or Thomas Jefferson shouldn’t be talked about simply in terms of historical feats or powerful speeches. Their passion for liberty and freedom applies to today’s broken and confused culture. We exist in dissension, we operate in hate and secularism. We walk around as Americans, constantly denying where our freedom really comes from. Hence, all the social tension we have today. The foundation of who we are as Americans is at risk!

    Patrick Henry remains a hero in the 21st century because his passion for individual liberty is desperately needed in present-day patriots. His words were inspirational to a new nation and are invaluable to all present-day Defenders of the Republic. We call upon those, not just in government or in positions of power, to recognize these truths. But we do not stop there.

    Everyday Americans MUST join the fight for freedom. From the single mom, faithfully protecting her family, to America’s boardroom, to the marketplace, to the moldable minds in every classroom. These principles of freedom and liberty should not pass into the rearview mirror of history! We believe our greatest days should be ahead. But is up to us. We must preserve and cherish the words, the warnings, the wisdom of our forefathers. We must use our voice to unify and to shed light on our nation’s foundational truths! Will you join us?

    Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!

    ]]> 2018-02-09T13:57:00-05:00 2018-02-12T13:58:18-05:00 5 REASONS 12 STRONG IS A MUST-SEE FILM IN 2018 serviciosforestalesrodes This week we had the opportunity to experience a private viewing of Jerry Bruckheimer’s newest film, 12 Strong. Based on the bestselling book Horse Soldiers by Doug Stanton, 12 Strong tells the real-life story of the U.S. Special Forces team that was sent into Afghanistan directly following the events of 9/11 to fight the Taliban.

    Two hours of nail-biting action, warlord politics, and a little horse humor made for an eye-opening look into the lives of the men and Afghan allies who lead the way in combat in 2001. The reality of what these men had to go through is truly fascinating. They accomplished an extremely dangerous mission with a projected timeline of two years in THREE WEEKS. The sheer will, ingenuity, and belief in their operation absolutely deserved a film adaptation.

    Still unconvinced? Here are a few reasons why we believe 12 Strong is a MUST-SEE film of 2018.

    1. It really happened.

    That’s right. According to, Hollywood did us a favor and "brought in a group of both currently-serving and retired U.S. special operators, including Mark Nutsch himself, to make sure that the film didn't veer too far from the true story, specifically in how they represented the soldiers." They wanted the story to maintain as much integrity as possible. Luckily, it didn’t need much in the way of an enhanced rewrite. The actual events were so bizarre and unlikely that the drama wrote itself. While Hollywood did take some artistic liberties by adding some drama and modifying timelines, the most important elements of this amazing battle were kept intact and factual.

    Check out this article for more info on the specific accuracies within the film:

    2. It challenged our view of the Middle East…in a good way.

    One of the most poignant parts of 12 Strong was the emphasis they placed on the Afghan allies. It’s important to note that it wasn’t the entire nation of Afghanistan that attacked the Twin Towers that day. It was a select group and a select belief system. We, as Americans, have a tendency to compact the Middle East into one giant terrorist regime, and seeing this movie wrecked those assumptions.

    It was a complicated time for the Middle East. The tribal rivalries were intense, as well as the extreme weather and terrain. There were no previous military treaties or alliances. No common interests, with ONE exception: They all hated the Taliban. This mission was dangerous on many levels, and the men involved were unaware of the complications they’d face. It was their tenacity and masterful political maneuvering that truly made their trek successful.

    12 men were never meant to fight the Taliban alone. At the time, there was a Northern Alliance within Afghanistan lead by former maniacal warlord and now Vice President of Afghanistan, General Abdul Rashid Dostum. Without their assistance and intel throughout the mission, our presence would have been inconsequential. The movie honors that alliance with a dynamic portrayal of Dostum’s strengths albeit dictatorial leadership.

    Chris Hemsworth, who portrayed Mark Nutsch in the film, explained America's relationship with the Northern Alliance this way:

    "They can do the direct attack, obviously, and we do in this movie. But the bigger challenge and the talent of what these guys achieved was the relationship they formed with Dostum, the warlord they were fighting with, and getting him to trust them, leveraging centuries-old blood feuds between these tribes, and convincing them to understand we're all fighting the same enemy.”

    He goes on to say,

    "The mission was a diplomatic approach about working with the locals and spreading the word that we're fighting a common enemy, and that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda were the ones that were attempting to take over. I really liked being able to put a spotlight on that and separate this sort of terrorism and ideology with the rest of the country who do not agree with that, and who are under the same fear and threat to their freedom as Americans were feeling, as 9/11 made them feel.”

    3. It’s another reminder of sacrificial combat.

    The real foundation of this film lies in the relationships between the 12 men. From the first scene, we understand their loyalty to this country and each other as a unit. Throughout 12 Strong, the men are forced to make decisions of surreal sacrifice. Even the reality of the familial sacrifice is honored, as the film weaves in the wives points of view throughout the story.

    This movie celebrates the brotherhood found through combat. In one instance, Nutsch tells the men that the only way to get a clear shot of the city is through a rocky ravine in supposedly fatal territory. Without being asked, the men begin to volunteer for the mission, demonstrating their absolute faith and devout loyalty to their mission.

    Each act of sacrifice in 12 Strong serves as a reminder of the reality of combat. What these men and women go through, the strength and fearlessness it takes to fight for freedom truly is convicting. It begs the question of appreciation in the midst of an "offense" culture. That idea alone makes this movie worth seeing.

    4. Did we mention mounted combat?

    We don’t call them the “Horse Soldiers” for nothing.

    Quite possibly one of the most unique elements of the 12 Strong story is the horse element. Because of the Afghani terrain, the only way to reach and overtake each city was on horseback. Logistically, this should have been an absolute nightmare in combat. These men were up against a severe lack of riding experience, armored assaults, tanks, heliborne inserts, just to name a few. This was unchartered territory for all involved.

    Officials were unaware that Dostum's army still used a horse cavalry. In an interview with ABC News, Nutsch said that the movie actually leaves out a key river that the men often had to swim across in the freezing cold water with their horses, one of the bigger obstacles they faced on the mission. The horses in the film are only briefly discussed, but the realities of mounted combat were much more of a barrier than presented. Just another example of why this story is so unbelievable in the midst of modern warfare.

    5. It’s the David and Goliath story we need right now.

    12 Strong may not be the most successful war epic in history, but it IS a story America needs right now. As we mentioned before, we live in a culture of offense. Timelines have evolved from sub-par food photography or family updates to vicious political and social debate. The media is submerged in a tank of negativity, and for some reason, the antagonist has become America, itself. We are offended by America, offended by those who hate America, offended by those who support America, offended by those who aren’t from America, offended by those attempting to become American, and the list goes on.

    The 12 Strong story is one of hope. In the midst of the political noise, this film reminds us that this country IS worth fighting for. It reminds us that 17 years ago, we were unified in that belief. We, as a country, were ready to fight, we were willing to stand for our nation, we supported America come hell or high water.

    Green Berets were the first to take on the Taliban. These 12 men successfully navigated the dynamics within Northern Alliance. These 12 men came home. As Americans, it’s easy to lose sight of what we’ve been given. We are blessed with a good education, blessed with the right to vote. Our freedom gives us the right to disagree, and our freedom gives us the right to speak. We are free because of men like the “Horse Soldiers” who went beyond the call of duty and sacrificed to protect our Homeland. To watch this film clarifies a deep appreciation for this country that we are currently lacking, and THAT is why these movies are so important.

    Each generation throughout our American history has blessed us with Patriots who would answer the call to be Defenders of all we hold dear. Real-life stories of heroism and courage that rarely ever make it to a Hollywood movie. Nonetheless, we are inspired by these brave men and women who unselfishly are willing to sacrifice it all. We salute those who boldly, fearlessly, and passionately step up to be Defenders of the Republic!

    For more information on the 12 Strong story, check out Doug Stanton’s book “The Horse Soldiers.”

    ]]> 2017-12-22T12:30:00-05:00 2017-12-22T16:02:58-05:00 The Real War on Christmas serviciosforestalesrodes The year was 1914. It was Christmas Eve on the Western front, five months after the outbreak of World War I in Europe.

    Earlier that fall, Pope Benedict XV had issued a statement requesting there be a hiatus of war to honor Christmas day. The warring countries refused to back down in response to a holiday, but the soldiers themselves had a differing opinion. That opinion led to action. That action led to an event that has yet to, and most likely will never be, replicated.

    It was coming on midnight, and the German soldiers were celebrating Christmas amongst their camp. On the other side of “no man’s land”, the ground between opposing trenches, the British, Belgians, and French were doing the same when they heard a familiar sound.

    A Christmas carol rang out into the night from the German trench, and shockingly, the British decided to sing along in response.

    Graham Williams of the Fifth London Rifle Brigade described it this way:

    “First the Germans would sing one of their carols and then we would sing one of ours, until when we started up ‘O Come, All Ye Faithful’ the Germans immediately joined in singing the same hymn to the Latin words Adeste Fideles. And I thought, well, this is really a most extraordinary thing ­– two nations both singing the same carol in the middle of a war.”

    The next morning, the allied soldiers heard shouts of "Merry Christmas” in English coming from the German camp. The British soldiers warily responded in kind. In one account, it states that signs were waved reading “You no shoot, we no shoot”, leading to a timid meet up in “no man’s land” and the laying down of arms.

    christmas truce of 1914 world war 1

    Before they knew it, all sides were joined together, shaking hands and celebrating Christmas Day. Carols were sung, presents of food and buttons were exchanged, even a translated church service broke out. There are stories of a pig roast and make-shift soccer balls being kicked around. Some soldiers used that time to retrieve and bury the fallen bodies of their comrades between the lines. “No man’s land” was now inconsequential. There were no sides, no enemies here. For 24 hours, these soldiers were just men celebrating the birth of a King and honoring familial traditions.

    There are countless documents and journal entries detailing the events of the Christmas Truce of 1914, everyone with a different perspective or story. Legend has it, over 100,000 troops participated that day. It was a beautiful nod to chivalry amongst enemies of war, and has yet to be repeated. Today, there are severe consequences for any form of holiday ceasefire, and it is unlikely we will see soldiers honor their humanity again in that way.

    This event remains significant because it illustrates the heart behind the Christmas holiday. The original intent of Christmas was to unify, to offer hope, to profess the love of a King. So much so that soldiers in the midst of a world war laid down their arms to salute that King as a unified front. No other day of the year is so revered.

    And yet, there’s never been a time in history when that significance has been so attacked. For the past 50 years, the sanctity of the Christmas holiday has been on a steady decline. The secular attack on this sacred Christian holiday has been relentless.

    The War on Christmas

    This week in the small town of Oscada, Michigan, the traditional Christmas nativity that stood in front of the local township hall was asked to be removed or paired with secular Christmas figure due to a fear of offense, an approach the Supreme Court likes to call “split the baby.”

    In 2005, the ACLU filed a suit against a Covington, Georgia school district simply because their class calendar referred to December 25th as “Christmas.”

    This month, the University of Minnesota sent a memo to all staff reminding them of the repercussions of any “inappropriate religious celebrations” during the holiday season. While on campus they are not to use any religious iconography of any kind. This includes the Star of Bethlehem, nativity scenes, doves, or even red and green decor as they represent the Christian holiday.

    A Christmas tree was ordered down in Italy this week for fear that a Muslim group would be offended. Is America next?

    So why is it that our generation has seen Christmas Trees replaced with “Holiday Trees”, government employees forbidden from greeting others with “Merry Christmas”, nativity displays ripped down in the public square, and even college professors declaring that the singing of “White Christmas” is racist and should be wiped from our traditional Christmas carols?

    Why Christmas?

    It causes us to ask, why is the assault so specific to the Christian traditions of Christmas? Why not Hanukkah? What about Kwanzaa? Why not Eid Al-Adha?

    Why is there no attack on their freedom of expression or religion to the degree of the persecution of Christianity? Why must the battle be waged on the birth of a baby?

    This also begs the question: If that baby was so insignificant, so inconsequential, so falsified, why is there any outrage at all?

    The answer is simple. That baby WAS significant. He WAS consequential. He was hope personified. For any institution seeking power, that truth trumps even the mightiest government or the most evil tyrant or dictator.

    Why? Because if they can attack an ideology, if they can marginalize our Christian principles then their job is done. Their path is trod. If they can force Christians to be embarrassed and retreat from their beliefs, then the entire agenda driven by secular humanism will flourish without question.

    Unrestrained abortion, open borders, the spread of narcotics, and gender issues will all be encouraged under the influence of a world without virtue. The only faction that offers serious push-back against social re-engineering are Christians and the Church. Without that voice, the liberal agenda is pushed forward and morality takes a back seat. The very foundations of liberty and freedom are threatened without the strong pillars of virtue, morality and religion.

    declaration of independence

    The writers of our Declaration of Independence saw this coming.

    "The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter." - Thomas Jefferson to John Adams via letter in 1823

    Our early American leaders felt very strongly that the freedom and liberty envisioned by our American founders cannot be separated from God’s design for mankind.

    John Quincy Adams, 6th President of United States, was invited as keynote speaker to a large patriotic celebration in Newburyport, MA on July 4, 1837 (61st Anniversary of Declaration of Independence). He asked the question of the audience, and answered his own question:

    “Why is it that next to the birthday of the Savior of the World, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day [on the Fourth of July?] Is it not that in the chain of human events, the birthday of a nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer’s mission upon earth? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?”

    According to John Quincy Adams, on 4th of July, 1776, the Founding Fathers had taken the principles that came into the world through the birth of Christ and used those principles to birth the nation, thus joining Christian principles and civil government in what he called an indissoluble bond.

    The remaining founding fathers were equally outspoken about the importance of maintaining Christian principles IN, not OUT of the civil arena.By the first battles of the War Between the States, most of our shared Christmas traditions were set, and the January 3, 1863 issue of Harper's Weekly featured a drawing of encamped soldiers receiving Christmas gifts from home.

    General Robert E. Lee wrote one wartime Christmas:

    "My heart is filled with gratitude to Almighty God for his unspeakable mercies with which He has blessed us in this day. For those He granted us from the beginning of life, and particularly for those He has vouchsafed us during the past year [of war]. What should have become of us without His crowning help and protection? Oh, if our people would only recognize it and cease from self-boasting and adulation, how strong would be my belief in the final success and happiness to our country! But what a cruel thing is war; to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world! I pray that on this day [Christmas] when only peace and good-will are preached to mankind, better thoughts may fill the hearts of our enemies and turn them to peace."

    Christmas is a pin-hole, a tiny leak in a destructive storm of power and control being forced upon the American people. Those attempting to eradicate the manger do not do so because of disbelief. They do so because they understand, maybe better than some Christians, the meaning of that night so long ago.

    “For God so loved the world…” That’s how the story began. That alone is a shocking realization. The God of the universe loved this broken, disparaged, angry, contemptible world that He sent His only Son. He didn’t send Him in the form of strength or brawn. In His supreme brilliance and understanding of humanity, He sent a King in most humble form we could comprehend: a baby.

    nativity scene christmaschristmas nativity

    It was a Christmas of humble beginnings.

    Born in isolation, amongst animals, surrounded by hay, how could anyone recognize this scene as a royal entrance? This was the miracle. This baby represented more than authority. He represented HOPE. He came to bring peace on earth, good will to men. He was, is, and will always be the only one the world can turn to for peace and salvation.

    This truth does not bode well for anyone pandering an opposing ideology. For an entire nation to give that amount of reverence to a God strips the critic of his power. The “War on Christmas" has nothing to do with corporate mandates or political correctness. It is about the entrapment of hope and the absolute obstruction of the Gospel.

    “To the American People: Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. If we think on these things, there will be born in us a Savior and over us will shine a star sending its gleam of hope to the world.” - Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States

    The Christmas Truce of 1914 recognized the hope surrounding Christmas Day. The soldiers celebrated in unity because of the supernatural peace that embodies the sanctity of the nativity. Today we see that sanctity abused, removed, and belittled. In the midst of the holiday, remember that Christmas at its core is a gift. A King was born, a world was saved, and humanity has been fighting for that power ever since. Instead of resting in that ever-present hope, we compromise the truth for offensive protection.


    May we never forget the ultimate sacrifice of that King. This holiday, may we fight for our right to worship at His feet. May we display our belief in His reign no matter the consequence. May we stand on the hope of His salvation. May we join together in unity, just as the soldiers did 100 years ago, and fight for more than just a country. May we fight for peace. May we restore hope. May we teach our children the real miracle of Christmas. May we sing the carols in freedom, declaring our King has come!

    Merry Christmas to America from your fellow patriots at serviciosforestalesrodes!

    merry christmas]]> 2017-12-01T16:17:00-05:00 2017-12-05T10:22:58-05:00 Where Does It Stop? An Honest Look at the Role of US History in Modern Culture. serviciosforestalesrodes Days after Charlottesville, Virginia rioted over the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, President Trump asked a valid and important question.

    “I wonder, is it George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself: Where does it stop?”

    A critical response to this remark was no surprise. Outrage at the perceived insensitivity and absurdity overwhelmed the internet.

    No matter our personal stance, if we’re honest with ourselves, President Trump's response is the exact question we all should be asking.


    According to our nation, it stops when we rewrite history in an effort to banish all traces of men once honored as heroes, but unacceptable to an entitled, hateful, and violent segment of today’s generation.

    The absolute absurdity of our ignorance today is best illustrated by last month's decision to remove George Washington’s plaque from Christ Church in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. Washington and his family were devout members of the church for over 20 years.

    Fear is a funny thing. This plaque simply honored the father of our country’s place of worship, but due to an offended portion of the state’s population, the church felt that it was prudent to dishonor our history one pew at a time. Robert E. Lee’s was also pulled for obvious reasons. However, the history behind the church itself is the untold irony of this story.

    sitting inside church sitting inside church sitting inside church

    George Washington regularly worshipped at Christ Church. The church has always been a historical draw until now. Originally, Christ Church was fully supported by the Church of England. However, after Cornwallis surrendered to Washington’s armies, they were cut off from all overseas funding. Being the "terrorist" that he was, George Washington chose to donate his personal funds to save the church. A fact they used in their regular tour dialogue, but have since omitted.

    According to the parishioners, the vote was unanimous after a month of debate over whether Washington and Lee were to be omitted from Christ Church history. According to the church rector, it made some “of our parishioners feel unsafe or unwelcome.” How does a plaque suddenly present an unacceptable danger to parishioners?

    An interesting statement as many regular attendees have now come out stating that they donate and attend precisely because it was George Washington’s church. Until this year, the entirety of the church's advertising and fundraising were based off the historical weight it carries.

    So where does it stop? If you remove a plaque, does that remove a truth? Does it abolish our history to abolish a statue?

    Thankfully, we have duplicatable predecessors to show us the success rate of such staunch patriotism. The Soviet Union provides us with an excellent example of a nation “strengthened" by denial. Between 1934-1952, in an effort to ideologically and politically control the country, the Communist party rewrote academic history. They went so far as to photoshop controversial leaders out of notorious historical photographs. Obviously, this is a radical example. However, a decade ago the removal of our first president’s plaque would’ve also sounded extreme.

    As a significant historical figure, George Washington was not only our first president, he survived the many battles of the French and Indian War. He was the first Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. As General, he lead his weary army through harsh conditions, such as the winter of Valley Forge. He staged a surprise attack on Christmas night crossing the Potomac. Because of his bravery, he defeated the strongest military in the world, ultimately securing our country’s freedom and independence. He also presided over the writing of the United States Constitution.

    What do Washington's opposers say? He was a slave owner.

    Why is there an outcry from the Left against our Revolutionary heroes and pillars of the American Republic? Why is there moral indignation against Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson, Lee, Lincoln, and so on? Were they racists, white supremacists? That’s what some would want us to believe.

    But why the selective judgment against these giants of American history whose shoulders we stand on? Because they were imperfect humans? Why is there no outrage against FDR, Kennedy, Clinton, or Martin Luther King Jr., all of which lived questionable private lives?

    It’s simple.

    We judge other’s sin but refuse to judge our own. It’s selective morality based only on our present-day ideology.

    No country's history is free of war, corruption, or failure. No man is free of mistakes, cultural influence, or bad choices. Imperfection is inevitable. We are all sinners with God’s love being our only hope of redemption.

    History is how we learn. History is how we grow, how we build, and how we gain wisdom. To rewrite it would be a tragedy for the entirety of the United States.

    America was built on a spirit of boldness, gumption, and rugged individualism. These men and women were pioneers, risk-takers, heroes. They should not be dismissed because our current culture has evolved. They should be revered and celebrated for giving us the FREEDOM to evolve. Somehow we have forgotten this truth.

    Does the Left hate America? Does the current progressive culture deny American exceptionalism? They are valid questions.

    When half of America’s millennials prefer Socialism to Capitalism, it seems so. When the U.S. school system is forced to teach students that America is not exceptional, and in fact, may be evil, it seems so. Even the church has become weak and cowardly, caving to the pressure of secular progressives.

    They’re embracing an activist judiciary that leans toward the gravitational pull of political correctness and away from the law of the land.

    So where does this stop?

    It stops when we fight the fear and stand for truth. It stops when we thank God for the freedom to progress as a country, for the men and women who risked their lives for the opportunity to live free. It stops when we remember that current culture does not define past history. It stops when we have the courage to speak up for those who spoke up for us.

    Will you speak?

    ]]> 2017-11-06T17:10:00-05:00 2019-02-01T14:55:04-05:00 Can America Survive? serviciosforestalesrodes We live in one of the most unsettled and controversial times in the history of the United States. There is no question. There is no debate.


    We live in one of the most unsettled and controversial times in the history of the United States. There is no question. There is no debate.

    We’ve lost principles and ideals, common courtesy, respect. We treat our fellow man with contempt and encourage division over unity. We embrace discord, we spout fear, we exist in constant distrust. Our American traditions that have lasted for generations are being threatened by political correctness and the foundations of our founder’s values are crumbling.

    As Americans, we look around and wonder, “What is becoming of our great country?”

    When the attack comes from the outside, it seems easier to understand the hatred.

    Germany and Japan in World War II, Russia and Communism throughout the Cold War, 9/11 and radical Islamism. Isis, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda. All perfect examples of external enemies that hate our belief in freedom, liberty, democracy. They despise our countries’ origins and the founders who believed in Judeo/Christian principles.

    It is easy to understand violence inflicted on Americans from the outside, but what is even more dangerous is the current state of hatred radiating from within our own walls among America’s own citizens.

    How do we make sense of the division we see every day against our fellow Americans?

    Politically, racially, religiously, we see anger and lashing out to an extreme we haven’t seen historically. We see the rise of identity politics, economic class warfare, religious persecution, assaults on free speech, violence against others with opposing viewpoints, lack of civility in public discourse, and no edification of self-restraint or personal responsibility.

    Just to name a few.

    As a nation, free speech and tolerance are only allowable if opposing views cave to our own personal ideology. In other words, tolerance only applies to those who agree with us. If one group cannot win an argument in public debate, the response is to defame and disparage the opponent. We call them names like “racist”, “homophobe”, “sexist”, “bigot”, etc. Instead of being conversation "starters”, these horrible labels always end up as conversation “enders."

    Social media doesn’t help. It’s become a medium of defamation. It is a way to belittle and bully an opposing view. It lacks courage and there’s no honor in it.

    So how has “the shining light on a hill”, as Ronald Reagan called America, become a place of such aggressive disunity?

    To understand how we got here, we first must recall how America began. The principle of self-government created by our Founding Fathers is extremely unique.

    In 1787 there was not a single country whose government was built upon the principle of “We The People.” Americans formed a democracy. The people ruled. Not a monarch.

    Not a tyrant. Not a theocracy.

    Our country was very fragile. Within just a few short years, after winning independence, the 13 colonies were falling apart and a constitution was needed to clearly define how our young country would be governed.

    So what is American freedom? There was no “master of the people” like a king or military leader who came to power through violence. TOTAL freedom with no law is anarchy. We needed “ordered freedom.”

    We chose to be masters of ourselves. Because of this choice, we now elect leaders to represent us. If we don’t like our representatives, we do not kill them; we replace them with a vote. We then entrust these leaders with the ability to form laws based on the restraints of government found in our Constitution.

    But let’s take it even further.

    In order to properly define the American version of freedom, we MUST include one originating element. Our freedom and liberty do NOT come from man or government.

    It comes from the one true God

    “We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights...”

    If our rights and freedoms came from man, then anyone with a heavy hand could change our laws or government at any time.

    In order for self-government to exist, there must be responsibilities of the citizens that guide our actions and how we treat one another.

    The characteristics of a free people who choose to govern themselves MUST include the following:

    - Personal responsibility
    - Virtues
    - Morals

    Virtue requires faith and faith requires freedom.

    When society refuses to promote the importance of virtue and morality, then the alternative is greater crime, violence, hatred, division, disrespect, and all other vices that come from our own selfish interests.

    If we reject virtue, morality, and faith then we do so at our own peril. We risk becoming Americans in name only. Less personal responsibility creates a need for greater government control. It is all cyclical. We need a new master to keep us from killing one another. When we reject God as our master in government, then we can no longer trust ourselves to protect each other. The result is an eventual decay of self-government and a rise to a large, controlling bureaucratic democracy of less individual freedom.

    A free society needs guidelines to create boundaries for behavior. They can be rules or laws, but no amount of law can ever be enough to preserve a free democratic society. It’s not enough. There must be standards of moral and virtuous conduct in order to guide our behavior. These are always based on Biblical values. Ben Franklin said it best,

    “Only virtuous people are capable of freedom.”

    From the book “Democracy In America,” written by French diplomat, Alexis De Tocqueville nearly 50 years after the American Revolution,

    “America is great because America is good. And if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

    Is America ceasing to be good today? Look to her people. Are they moral, virtuous, and full of faith? There lies our answer.

    Our founders believed strongly that our liberty and our culture was firmly rooted in a virtuous, moral, and faith-filled people. John Adams once stated,

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.”

    For the founders, the idea of virtue and morality divorced from religion and faith was unthinkable! Tocqueville put it this way,

    “There is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America."

    There is an authority, but it stems from a voluntary or free obedience to God. Not the forced obedience to man, let alone the government of man.

    So the question is, can America survive with the trajectory it’s on today?

    Our future as a people and a nation rests in 2 ideologies:

    More laws, control, surveillance, protection OR More freedom and liberty

    John Adams once said,

    “The constitution was written for our form of self-government; therefore, our system of self-government is impossible to survive without virtue and morality.”

    For the people to thrive in a system of self-government, then a sense of virtue and morality is absolutely necessary.

    Virtue is associated with high moral standards.

    Where do those standards come from? Biblical values, the “Golden Rule”, and considering the value of another human being, created by God, regardless of race, color, creed, or economic class.

    Man’s fear and hate is all rooted in evil and sin. Man’s struggle with himself and other men is still manifesting in the violence and division we see in America today. But God loved man so much that He sent Jesus to die for our sins and give us new life. When we receive that new life, then we also receive a new spirit. Our new spirit operates under the law of love. We can no longer hate or brutalize another man because our conscience won’t allow it.

    Freedom and liberty will survive if a virtuous and moral people are compelled to do the right thing. It is our religious beliefs that compels us to love our neighbor as ourselves. There is no gun law that would’ve been able to stop evil, cowardly criminals from terrible massacres like in Orlando, Las Vegas, or even this week in Sutherland Springs, Texas. The public outcry against guns will be ineffective. Evil people will always find a way to harm the innocent, no matter the restraint. However, our conscience and our character compel us to do the right thing, to shun sin, and to resist doing harm to our fellow man.

    A free society doesn’t eliminate evil, but a free people can recognize that hate, division, and violence can be restrained by love, virtue, morality, and faith.

    The idea of self-government requires a virtuous people who applaud personal responsibility, civility, kindness, and respect for another person. That is how “We The People” can keep what our founders fought for. That is how America remains the shining light on a hill and a beacon of hope for mankind.

    THAT is how America survives.

    ]]> 2017-09-11T16:00:00-04:00 2019-02-01T14:55:04-05:00 The Cost of Courage: September 11th Remembered serviciosforestalesrodes “Numerous civilians in all stairwells, numerous burn victims are coming down. We’re trying to send them down first…We’re still heading up.”

    Capt Patrick Brown, NYFD Fire Captain who courageously led his team north tower thirty minutes before the south tower collapsed.


    Unsung Heroes

    It was a typical Tuesday morning in NYC, with the hustle-and-bustle of people on their way to work. Local coffee shops and cafes provided the aromatic-backdrop of fresh-brewed coffee and fried hash browns. The sun rose, the people went, the restaurants cooked, businesses opened as usual - life was normal.

    And yet, evil lurked unbelievably close.

    The FDNY Ladder 3 brigade, led by Captain Patrick Brown (Paddy), got the call heard round the world: The World Trade Center, it’s North Tower, had been hit by a battering ram. American Airlines Flight 11, had careened into floors 93-99 of the building, killing those on board and hundreds of unsuspecting people inside.

    Capt. Paddy's team sprung to action. Located close to the Twin Towers, his company were one of the first on the scene. There, they united with hundreds of other first responders and entered the crippled North Tower.

    In spite of fear, these men and women plunged into the dark of unknown to rescue those stranded, hurt, and immobilized.

    At their own peril, Ladder 3 played a pivotal role in a rescue mission that managed to safely evacuate over 25,000 people from the World Trade Center, during one of the most devastating events in U.S. history.

    At 9:58am, the South Tower collapsed. Massive clouds of debris engulfed the surrounding streets, wreaking havoc on communication between command posts and FDNY teams; Ladder 3 being among them. Those inside the North Tower were unaware of the South’s collapse and the impending danger that would consume them.

    The call came through to a handful of fire chiefs: it was time to evacuate. The North Tower would probably fall, like it’s kin had. Some teams got the call, some didn’t; and some chose to not to leave until all were safe.

    At 10:28am, the North Tower collapsed. 11 members of Ladder 3 were killed, Captain Patrick Brown among them. Almost 3,000 people lost their lives, among them, 346 active and retired firefighters of the FDNY, the largest loss of any emergency response agency in history.


    The image below shows the Ladder 3 Company truck, damaged when the North Tower fell, demolishing the front end of the rig.


    Ladder 3 September 11th Damage


    The True Cost of Courage and Honor

    To this day, there is no denying the fact that the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history turned more than a few ordinary Americans into true unsung heroes.

    Along with Paddy Brown and his team with Ladder 3, hundreds of firefighters, medics, police officers, and civilians went above and beyond in trying to save lives and ultimately prevented the tragedy from being even worse. And we must not forget those who followed them — the over 6,100 soldiers who lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect us, not to mention the thousands more who have been seriously wounded.


    The Home of the Brave

    Though America is not perfect (and neither are her people), she is exceptional. A land defined by liberty, justice, and freedom. A country not centered around the governing authorities, but her people. A home for all men and women, where, even in trial, bravery shines forth.

    This is a land worth fighting for. We are a people worth fighting for.


    What Will Be Your Legacy?

    Captain Patrick Brown’s remains were recovered from the rubble of the North Tower on December 14th, 2001. At his memorial mass, thousands packed the enormous church to overflowing, while firefighters lined up three and four deep, as far as the eye could see on Fifth Avenue, to honor and respect the legendary NYC Firefighter.


    His legacy, influence, patriotism, and commitment to the American people, serve as a monument to both the cost and value of liberty. On 9.11, Captain Paddy Brown, the Ladder 3 Company, the US military, and hundreds of first responders put their lives on the line, standing against terror, defending Liberty. Their stories have been woven into the fabric of our great nation, for, America is not her government, but her people.


    In honor of Captain Paddy Brown, and the thousands of Americans who have heroically put their own lives at risk to protect our great country and the liberty which defines us, we invite you to join us as we reflect on the cost of defending our country, our liberty, and our families.

    sons of liberty

    ]]> 2017-07-25T12:38:00-04:00 2019-02-01T14:55:05-05:00 The Battle of the Alamo: A Texan Legacy serviciosforestalesrodes The Battle of the Alamo is the creation story of Texas. Few men so well embody true patriotism as the legendary assembly that stood in defense of the Alamo from February 23 to March 6, 1836. With a cast of characters larger than life itself, the Battle of the Alamo stands out in American history and continues to capture the imaginations of people around the world.

    The standoff and predawn battle on March 6, 1836, generated countless stories of valor on all sides of the conflict, a pivotal event of the 1835-36 revolution that helped established Texas as an independent republic before U.S. statehood began in 1845. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Here’s what happened:


    How the Alamo became the Alamo…

    San Antonio de Valero Mission was originally built as a home to Spanish missionaries. Covering approximately three acres of land and surrounded by a wall nearly 12 feet tall, the fort held a chapel, a hospital room, a barracks and a horse corral. Basically, the perfect fortress for Spanish soldiers, which is what the plot of land eventually evolved into.

    In 1803, a company of Spanish soldiers from Álamo de Parras, Coahuila, Mexico, used its buildings as barracks for a number of years. This is likely where the name “The Alamo” originated.

    This is where things get interesting…

    In 1821, Mexico won its independence from Spain. At the time, Texas was part of Mexico and many Americans had moved to Texas, thereby becoming Mexican citizens. But the relationship was soon to find itself on rocky ground.

    In 1832, a powerful General named Antonio López de Santa Anna took control of the government. To say Santa Anna had a bit of an ego, is a supreme understatement. The man proclaimed himself the “Napoleon of the West,” and once held an elaborate state funeral for his amputated leg – but that’s another story.

    After Santa Anna stepped in to run the Mexican government, things began to shift into an increasingly dictatorial manner – and many federalists along the border region of Mexican Texas (otherwise known as Texians), weren’t having it. Being accustomed to extensive individual rights, and having those rights threatened – well – that caused a bit of tension. Texians rebelled, organizing what would go down in history books as the Texas Revolution.

    And so it began…

    The first shot of the Texas Revolution was fired at the Battle of Gonzales on October 2, 1835. Over the next three months, Texian colonists, comprised of Texian troops, American Volunteers, and their Tejano (Texian of Mexican descent) allies, were able to defeat Mexican forces.

    Needless to say, Santa Anna was infuriated.. He led Mexican troops into Texas to put an end to the resistance. Two forts blocked the Mexican approaches into Texas: Presidio La Bahía at Goliad and the Alamo at San Antonio de Bexar. Mexican General Jose Urrea marched half of the troops up the Texas coast in the Goliad campaign, while Santa Anna led the rest of the troops to San Antonio de Bexar.

    The Siege of Béxar…

    Texian troops rallied during the Siege of Béxar,  and were able to drive off Mexican forces. Texian soldiers then moved quickly to establish a garrison at the Alamo, led by legendary pioneer James Bowie and Lieutenant Colonel William Travis. In all, there were approximately 200 Texian troops defending the Alamo, including Davy Crockett, a famous frontiersman, former U.S. Congressman, and the highest-profile defender of the Alamo.

    Knowing that Santa Anna was continuing to gather men in alarming numbers, Travis wrote letters begging for men and supplies. Sadly, his requests were not met and approximately 200 exhausted and underfed Texians stood prepared (or some could argue unprepared) to take on an army of nearly 1,800 Mexican soldiers.

    The Battle of the Alamo…

    On February 23, 1836, General Santa Anna and his troops surrounded the Texas garrison in the Alamo. The siege of the Alamo lasted thirteen days. On day twelve, Santa Anna ordered a full-fledged assault for the following day, stunning his officers. With no Texian relief appearing and provisions running out, it would only be a matter of time before the rebels would realize surrendering was their only option.

    Santa Anna sent a courier to demand that the Alamo surrender. While the Texian forces may have been undermanned and without provisions, they were not lacking in patriotism. Travis replied to Anna’s demand with a cannonball – some would say a pretty direct response.

    And so, at approximately 5:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 6, Mexican forces hurled columns at the battered walls from all directions. Artillerymen set about knocking down the walls and storming the Alamo. Still, Texian gunners stood by their artillery to the very end. The assault lasted no more than ninety minutes.

    As many as seven defenders survived the battle, though Santa Anna, a man who enjoyed having the final word, ordered their summary execution. Crockett's fate is unclear. Many historians and patriots count Crockett as a member of those seven, though the mayor of San Antonio, however, claimed to have seen Crockett dead among the other defenders. Either way, the man, the myth and the legend fought bravely and did not survive the Battle of the Alamo. By 8:00 a.m., every Texian Alamo soldier was dead.


    Remember the Alamo…

    Following the Battle of the Alamo, several non-combatants were sent to Gonzales to spread word of the Texian defeat. News of the Alamo's fall sparked feelings of nationalism and inspired a strong rush to join the Texian army, now led by the infamous General Sam Houston.

    On April 21, 1836, the Texian army attacked Santa Anna's camp near Lynchburg Ferry. Spurred on by the battle cry “Remember the Alamo,” which loomed large in Houston’s and his troops’ minds, General Houston’s “800 men defeated a force twice its size in a mere 18 minutes.” The spectacular rout at the Battle of Battle of San Jacinto forced Santa Anna to surrender and sign an armistice that granted Texas independence. Needless to say, it was a ground-breaking day for Texas!

    A Texan legacy…

    Despite the great loss, the siege and final assault on the Alamo in 1836 is one of the most celebrated military engagements, recognized as a symbol of true patriotic sacrifice. 

    sons of liberty

    ]]> 2017-04-20T16:08:00-04:00 2017-07-28T17:46:01-04:00 Liberty Was Purchased at The Cross serviciosforestalesrodes
    "I give and bequeath my soul to Almighty God that gave it me, hoping that through the meritorious death and passion of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ to receive absolution and remission for all my sins."
    George Mason, Father of the US Bill of Rights

    Freedom. Dignity. Liberation. Redemption.

    The heart of humanity burns deeply for these truths, desiring dignity, desiring freedom, desiring redemption. Though we may have forgotten our childhood dreams, though the flame may have gone cold, though these yearnings have found warped fulfillment in tyranny or abusive control, the deeper desire for freedom, dignity, and love still echoes in our hearts.

    It is for these deeper truths, deeper desires, that great men have given their lives to defend. They spoke Truth, standing against the darkness of abuse, tyranny, deception, fear, and selfish control, exposing them for what they are: counterfeits of true freedom.

    Jesus Christ, out of His strength and deep love for humanity, saw fit to redeem the earth’s course of destruction; and, bring life where there was death. By His own choosing (Luke 4:18), Jesus came to set the oppressed free. Literally, to bring Liberty (healing, justice, and righteousness) to all of mankind.

    Easter is the remembrance of the Cross that Jesus bore, the sacrifice He paid to ransom and redeem His beloved, previous slaves to sin and darkness; it is the remembrance of Christ’s resurrection, where He defeated mankind’s ultimate foe: death and satan.

    We remember and reflect on Jesus Christ, the ultimate Creator and Defender of Liberty. May we never forget that our Liberty was purchased at The Cross. Let us honor Our Savior by how we live our lives: bold, wild, courageous, and free!

    You are a Defender of Liberty.

    Happy Easter. 

    Sons of Liberty
